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<< Dec 2004 - Oct 2004 >>

Monday, 29 November 2004
Reminder - at 19:45 EET by Abula
I just want to remind people of the deadline of the kuski of month interviews. It's still 1st Jan 2005. Please don't disappoint and disrespect the community.

Sunday, 28 November 2004
Elma Rap - at 13:08 EET by px
CEC (ciph, Juish and agent#00negro) present us their first track called All Up In Your Face >>

WRs - at 1:37 EET by px
WR total down by 0,01 seconds, surprisingly by one new WR.

Saturday, 27 November 2004
The 45+ WR table - at 14:42 EET by Abula
If your total time is worse than 45:00,00 you should check out the 45+ WR table, you could have some records there. It's updated by tijsjoris.

Thursday, 25 November 2004
KuskiLife - at 23:44 EET by Abula
serpent has made nice video, KuskiLife.

Wednesday, 24 November 2004
Fast Design Competition - at 2:10 EET by Abula
Zebra organizes very interesting and unique contest, Fast Design Competition.

Monday, 22 November 2004
Records #62 - at 2:26 EET by Abula
Zweq going for under 37mins.

Sunday, 21 November 2004
WRs - at 0:29 EET by px
Three new World Records, reducing the WR total time by over a second.

Thursday, 18 November 2004
John under 38mins - at 0:22 EET by Abula
Third guy, after TorInge and Zweq, got his personal total time under 38 minutes. Grats John!

Wednesday, 17 November 2004
KOM - at 18:09 EET by Abula
SveinR wrote his interview.

Sunday, 14 November 2004
Records #61 - at 18:09 EET by Abula
Updated. Chile new country.

Battles - at 3:02 EET by Abula
In case you want to know more about #across and battles (one kind of online Elma contest type) you should read cyre and onlanari's posts on Mopolauta.

Records will be updated later today so remember to submit in your state.dat. Also I want to remind and especially encourage these person to write their interviews: Cloud, TorInge, Jokke, milagros, Mick, Jalli, SoC, MP, Markku, mr, TomCat, MJXII, Juzam, Tantal, axxu, John, Stini, nh, SveinR and Viper_KillerGuy. I'm not sure if we should continue this contest in the upcoming year if so many people don't respect it and not write their interviews.

WRs - at 0:01 EET by px
WR total time is down by almost a second (now 36:58,17) by these three new records >>

Saturday, 13 November 2004
Cubein's contest - at 20:14 EET by Abula
If you want to earn some money by playing Elma just take part to Cubein's contest and success.

Wednesday, 10 November 2004
EET2 - at 12:20 EET by Abula
zworqy is going to organize Elma Elimination Tournament 2, take a look.

Tuesday, 9 November 2004
Level of month 2003 - at 22:30 EET by Abula
Level of month 2003 contest won't be updated before the GAA04 but because there are several great levels I decided to release a pack containing all submitted levels. If you know you had sent a level of some theme to us and don't see your level(s) in the pack you probably should resend them to abu[at]moposite[dot]com. I have had problems with emails in the past so it may be possible.

Official level pack records - at 18:30 EET by Abula
skint0r made again effort to Moposite and updated the Official level pack records. Also MP did great work and broke the unbelievable 200 records limit.

Please contact us if you find any errors on the page.

Elma physics - at 17:12 EET by Abula
onlainari has done some research and calculations about the physics of Elma world, more on Mopolauta.

Sunday, 7 November 2004
Zweq WR replays - at 14:25 EET by Abula
In case you are interested in WR replays, check Mopolauta.

GAA04 - at 12:36 EET by Abula
Just a reminder, you have about 12 hours left to take part in the first step of the GAA04 voting progress.

Multi WR - at 2:13 EET by Abula
Interesting time in the newest Multi WRs update.

Donations - at 2:13 EET by Abula
FEM05 is getting real. skint0r donated 250e for starting money. When speaking donations also XTC, Cloud and me did some nice donations, more on Mopolauta.

WRs - at 1:06 EET by px
One new WR, by Kuper

Saturday, 6 November 2004
NET2005 - at 14:42 EET by Abula
It's again time to try to arrange an international Elma meeting. Maybe next summer is the first time we are really ready for the meeting? German and Danish kuskis attention, read more.

Community history - at 1:40 EET by Abula
Community > History is updated but because I don't remember / know everything please share your thoughts on Mopolauta.

Tuesday, 2 November 2004
Golden Apple Awards 2004 - at 15:24 EET by Abula
GAA03, also known as Golden Apple Awards 2003 was arranged in Febraury 2003. Today it's almost two years ago, but now we are back with the GAA04. So far the jury and the categorias are chosen and for next we will find the candidates. Yet this time we will have some material for winners. What they will be is secret untill the final show is held. We have approximated the costs being around 200e (about $255, more currencys) and the entire prize is payd by one great and kind fellow kuski who doesn't want his name to public.

The jury members of the GAA04: Abula, SveinR, Karlis, milagros, BarTek, Jalli

The categories of the GAA04
- Internalist
- Externalist
- Battler
- Rookie
- Designer
- Team
- WR
- Multi WR
- Style
- Replay
- Level
- Contribution
- Achievement
- Site

- Instructions of the voting progress
- Original idea
- GAA03 results

Ps. Moposite will have own section for GAAs in the future.

Math model - at 2:05 EET by Abula
Phillip has created a nice mathematical model to count WR total times in the future, read more.

Monday, 1 November 2004
Records #60 - at 2:02 EET by Abula

<< Dec 2004 - Oct 2004 >>

 ¬ 2005
 ¬ 2004
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 2003
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 2002
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 2001
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 2000
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 1999
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 1998
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr
Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.