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Help us

Maintaining a site such as The Moposite requires a lot effort from us. So, if you would like to help us by donating, don't hesitate to contact us at We appreciate any donation you can muster, from the smallest amounts of money to anything that would be good for example World Cup prizes. The money goes for prizes, meeting sponsorings and server fees. Remember to tell us how you want your money to be used. For example to WCup prizes or FEM05. If you don't mention anything we will use it as we think best.

The money can be sent via normal snail mail or via bank transfer. Finnish people can use the account Sampo 800027-35051079 but foreigners need IBAN and SWIFT codes with the street address and real name. Most web banks have a feature to use IBAN and SWIFT codes but in some cases you have to walk to local bank and ask them to transfer the money. You don't have to worry about the currency exchanges yourself. Outside the Europe Union you probably have to pay some extra fee, so remember to find out about that before transferring.

IBAN: FI9780002735051079
Name: Pekka Tahkola
Address: Opiskelijankatu 4 B 123, 33720 Tampere, Finland

Remember to include your nick name in the text field so we know who is behind the donation.

Donater Date Amount
tijsjoris 05 January 2006    13.37e
Tantal 24 April 2005    100e
Jalli 24 January 2005    50e
TorInge 12 November 2004    50e
Stini 8 November 2004    20e
Unknown 8 November 2004    15e
Speak 8 November 2004    7e
Abula 7 November 2004    50e
XTC 7 November 2004    2.22e
Cloud 7 November 2004    20e
skint0r 7 November 2004    250e
Unknown 1 November 2004    200e
Karlis 12 August 2004    Athlon XP 2500+
Antz 26 May 2003    20e
Chris Penrose 3 Mar 2003    53.91e
Tapzu 26 Feb 2003    100e
ramone 3 Feb 2003    30e
GuyB, Rigger 23 Aug 2002    50e
psy 3 Aug 2002    10e
jcl 30 Jul 2002    20e
Tisk 2 Jul 2002    11e

The more visitors we get, the better for the scene. So if you have a website, you can link to us by a normal text link or some of our banners. Just copy below XHTML clips and paste it to your web site's source.

Type Code
Text link <a href="">Moposite - Elasto Mania All Around</a>
120x26 <a href="">
<img src=""
alt="Moposite - Elasto Mania All Around" border="0" /></a>
160x34 <a href="">
<img src=""
alt="Moposite - Elasto Mania All Around" border="0" /></a>
284x61 <a href="">
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alt="Moposite - Elasto Mania All Around" border="0" /></a>

Reporting of errors, new ideas, feedback?
Found something that malfunctions? Broken links, some bad code (use validator to test) or grammar and misspelling? Use the form below to inform about such things. You can tell us if you have any good ideas for our site, or just something to comment about (Mopolauta has also own forum for Feedback). We greatly appreciate any of your efforts.



Nick (if you want to be recognized):

Email (if you want to get a reply):

Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.