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4:20 EET (GMT+2)
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- Replays
- World Cup 5
- Mopolauta
- Kuski gallery
- Mopobattles

IRC: There are about 5 public Elma channels (chat rooms) at IRC. A tiny summary about them and how to get there.

Mopolauta: Elma and Moposite forum. Old forum is still readable.

Kuski gallery: This section contains much info about kuskis. There is an awesome stats page, kuski's real life pictures and that kind of stuff, sign up yourself.

Teams: Team database has info about teams, members, logos etc.

History: Community history includes all important things (events, teams, players, sites) which you should remember.

Meetings: All kind of stuff of the meetings of the real kuskis including a lot of pictures, texts etc.
Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.