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4:28 EET (GMT+2)
- First time here?
- World Records
- Total times
- Levels
- Replays
- World Cup 5
- Mopolauta
- Kuski gallery
- Mopobattles

Official: CSaba, Balazs' (the author of the Elma and Across) brother was collecting levels from elma players and publishing the best ones in the packs but he stopped that because the packs took too much bandwitdh in their site). But because the quality of those big packs was pretty low, the Moposite crew started to rank top10 levels of each pack. In that page you find those top10 levels but also all the official level packs including all levels sent to Csaba in past. I don't know about the future of upcoming official level packs, maybe Moposite should do that if isn't able to.

Contest: Download all levels which are needed in Contests section: World Cup, Mopobattle, Kinglist, Level of Month levels and many more.

Personal: This page tries to contain the levels of the greatest level designers throughout the scene history.

Reviewed: Interesting level reviews are hard to make. However you find some there and new ones will come.

Other: Levels that don't belong to any of above pages are here, not too many though.

Level designing tips
- Read pyste elama's level designing page >>
- readme.txt >>
- Play other people's levels, and check them in the editor (if not locked).
- Lost Internals
- Höylä Mission
Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.