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Submit files

Each page has own specific info about submitting files to Moposite but in this page you can read some general tips etc.

All levels are supposed to be sent to Mention in the mail in what section do you want your levels included. Nick is needed too. Level of month section requires more stuff in the mail so go there to read more >>

Luther is updating replay section so send all replays to In the mail tell what section you want to get your replays in. Read more accurate info in each replay page.

Submitting lgrs you must noticed that only high quality lgrs are welcome. There are some not-so-quality ones on the page but in the future we won't take those. Lgr page has simple list of things you have to tell in the mail >>
Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.