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4:25 EET (GMT+2)
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- Replays
- World Cup 5
- Mopolauta
- Kuski gallery
- Mopobattles

Articles: Elma related articles, stories. Should be funny and interesting.

Dictionary: Is there some elma word you don't understand? What is a hoyla or kuski or mopo and so on.

Future: Forecasting the future of Elma.

Illegality: About cheating and other bad things along the scene.

Media: Elma related music, videos and pictures.

News archive: All old Moposite news here.

Programs: Useful Elma programs.

Other: All other like food recipes, Across skins, anagrams etc.
Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.