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Forecasting Elma future

In this competition your mission is to forecast Elma statistics. You cannot take part in anymore. The last day was 1st of January 2002. Maybe there will be other forecast competitions. However all participaters filled up a blank forecast form and sent it to me. The situation back then was this. The winner or leader of this contest is the one who forecasted most correct the future. We'll see who. Moreover the competition is for Elasto Mania 1.x (1.11a now).

Points given
Exact answer = 20 points
Nearest answer = 20 points
2nd nearest answer = 15 points
3rd = 13 pts
4th = 12 pts
5th = 11 pts
6th = 10 pts
7th = 9 pts
8th = 8 pts
9th = 7 pts
10th = 6 pts
11th = 5 pts
12th = 4 pts
13th = 3 pts
14th = 2 pts
15th = 1 pts

Points system can be changed later.

Abula, deadnite, dz, IRK, swos, klisse, mr, MUe, psy, skint0r, Sathy, umiz, Tisk, TGabee, onlainari, MGen, Kumiorava, Are, krychek, MP, Jalli, Floyd, SveinR, Taq, ciph, Radim, DacBitch, TonyLee, joo, Amish, Sparrow, nemo

Checking dates
1st: 1 July 2002
2nd: 1 January 2003
3rd: 1 January 2004
4th: 1 January 2005
5th: 1 January 2006

Will be updated after first checking date.
kuiva's article >>

Elma 2.0?
Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.