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Moposite info

Moposite crew
Abula - Design, HTML, PHP, SQL, updating (most sections)
px - Updating (eg. official WR lists), grammar and spelling, cashier
Viper_KillerGuy - PHP, SQL

We would like to thank our team mates, all level designers, record drivers, money donaters and all other people who have helped us, The Moposite and Elma. Thank you. An accurate list of mopoduties our helpers have done can be read here.

Moposite's history
Some screenshots of how our site has looked like in the past:
- The very earliest look, px's Across Site, year was 1998 >>
- After a year px improved his site. Wheee 70 000 visitors >>
- In the winter of 2000 Abula made his first Across/Elma site >>
- A few months later of the Elma's publishing px release his first Elma site >>
- Abula and px decided to merge their sites into one bigger (and better) right after px got his Elma site public. Making the Moposite took awful long time (there were many problems like web space and stuff). Finally the page saw the sunlight on Sunday 15 of June 2000 >>
- Moposite was 4 months (May - August 2001) offline due to a big upgrade >>

Programs used for making the Moposite
- Editpad >>
- Paint Shop Pro 7 >>
- Calculators
- Excel
- Elma programs for checking levels, replays and generating the record lists >>

The Moposite has been written to XHTML 1.0 standard and CSS2. There shouldn't be any errors but if you find any please let us know. This means that the site should work well in all browsers. Printable version pages have all necessary info so it can be used with older browsers. (easy-to-remember link to printable version is The site has been tested with IE4-6, Netscape 4.72-6.0, Opera 5-6, mozilla 1.0, lynx 2.8.4, Konqueror, W3M 0.1.10, Galeon 1.2.0 and links 0.96.

Visitors statistics
Moposite has over 1000 unique visits in a day and the file transfer amount is about 700MB per day. This big number of traffic needs money for web space and bandwidth, therefore we'd appreciate your help. The visitors come around the whole world but mostly from Europe. Much more accurate info and statistics you can get if you want by mailing to

Year and Month Unique visits Page reloads Data transfer
2002 July 25285 47877 12.9GB
2002 June 20771 37082 10.9GB
2002 May 31469 64782 19.9GB
2002 April 34896 55173 16.6GB
2002 March 27224 42822 11.8GB
2002 February 18725 60238 -
2002 January 20363 65922 -
2001 December 18628 62216 -
2001 November 17395 54637 -
2001 October 18234 63875 -
2001 September 14001 45475 -
2001 August 9941 24128 -
2001 July 7218 8505 -
2001 June 7876 9466 -
2001 May 10292 14772 -
2001 April 14875 41440 -
2001 March 15519 42606 -
2001 February 9496 26672 -
2001 January 13969 39128 -
2000 December 16123 46962 -
2000 November 15802 48597 -
2000 October 17865 47695 -
2000 September 13231 38495 -
Total 388390 1101173 61.2GB

April 1998 - August 2000: no official statistics available
Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.