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<< Nov 1998 - Sep 1998 >>

Tuesday, 27 October 1998
Thoughs etc :) - at 21:34 EET by PeXi
Damn, I'm getting tired to Across... Well, not the game itself, but the levels. Hopefully the new version will come soon...
Anyway, I found some time to play the game and drove New Wave 1:49,06
and Double Trouble 1:45,64.

Monday, 19 October 1998
TT<41 - at 15:06 EET by PeXi
Yihaa! My total time is now under 41 minutes! (40:55,02)
I played Slalom, Animal Farm, Labyrinth Pro and Apple Harvets.
Times: 49,41 (what a huge improvement, 0.06 secs), 1:35,04, 3:40,14 and 2:12,91.

Saturday, 17 October 1998
... - at 12:11 EET by PeXi
Labyrinth Pro 3:42,45.

Wednesday, 7 October 1998
...and more - at 23:11 EET by PeXi
Long Haul 45,34, Tunnel Terror 1:12,79, The Steppes 36,57 and New Wave 1:50,58.

Sunday, 4 October 1998
Times again... - at 17:44 EET by PeXi
Hangman 19,86 and Apple Harvest 2:19,25.
Sorry for bit lazy updates, but I don't have too much spare time. Honest :)

<< Nov 1998 - Sep 1998 >>

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