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News archive

<< Jan 2004 - Nov 2003 >>

Saturday, 27 December 2003
Army - at 21:59 EET by Abula
I have hard period in army now and I'm not able to update Moposite at all. MagnusB and Jokke quit their Moposite jobs so their sections are not in control anymore. Be patient. 195 mornings to go.

December LOM theme: Vandalism (deadline 15 Jan 2004)

Wednesday, 24 December 2003
OLP - at 10:46 EET by px
Yet at least one more update. The 38th OLP records list is now up.

Sunday, 21 December 2003
Merry Christmas - at 22:50 EET by px
The Moposite crew wishes everyone all the best for Christmas and the New Year. Have fun and enjoy the life. I'll soon be travelling away with my friends for maybe 10 days or so, and Abula will probably have lots of other things to do during the Xmas time, so there'll probably be not much updates this year anymore.

WRs - at 22:50 EET by px
The 156th WR list, probably this year's last one, is up. Two new WRs combining a huge improvement of 0,10s in WR total time. Whoa.

Friday, 12 December 2003
WRs - at 01:01 EET by px
The 155th WR list is up. Travelling and travelling, I might not be at home this Sunday either, no idea yet. Sorry.

Monday, 1 December 2003
WRs - at 03:36 EET by px
Elma WRs updated. My apologies for it took a bit longer, I wasn't at home till ~1-2 hours ago.

<< Jan 2004 - Nov 2003 >>

 ¬ 2005
 ¬ 2004
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 2003
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 2002
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 2001
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 2000
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 1999
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 1998
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr
Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.