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<< Mar 2001 - Jan 2001 >>

Saturday, 24 February 2001:
Whoa, Oulu Records have been updated >>
Also MC records and MC's members info..

ps. someone is 18 yers old tomorrow =)

- Abula @ 11:07 EET

Thursday, 22 February 2001:
Enjoy. >>

- Abula @ 21:51 EET

New lists on Elma Totals, Finnish Records and even Across WRs, three new ones there, all by team USA. Yet some new links. You could also give a try to a new cup, called LOS Cup. It can be accessed here >>

The domain should work now too.

- PeXi @ 16:03 EET

Weird indeed
Weird indeed. When trying to get onto The Moposite, you probably got a 404 error. That's weird, since all the files were and still are on the server and the access rights are the right way etc etc... Then I happened to try the old address which should be just another alternative to,, and it worked. So, from now on, use address to access this site. I will update the domain forward as soon as possible etc etc.

We're sorry for any inconvenience.

- PeXi @ 13:46 EET

Monday, 12 February 2001:
Happy nameday (?), Elma
12th Feb. is the nameday of Elma (in Finland).

- Abula @ 20:05 EET

Saturday, 10 February 2001:
Totals etc
Elma Totals updated, also some links added, some fixed and some removed.

- PeXi @ 16:29 EET

Update: Finnish Records >>
More updates later tonight. Maybe :)

- PeXi @ 15:10 EET

Thursday, 8 February 2001:
some kahvi info
Kahvicup is going on and going strong - although they might want some skillful players (Tisk leading :P). You might want to check out the 11th event, it's somewhat different to anything seen before - why? well you have only five (5) hours to play it. One more thing about KahviCup is that now you can send your own levs if you think they're good enough.

- Abula @ 22:20 EET

Wednesday, 7 February 2001:
Multi WRs
SveinR has now taken over the Multi WR list, let's see if he can take care of it better :) Go check it here >>
Also some contests there on SveinR's site, give a try to them too.

- PeXi @ 18:18 EET

Tuesday, 6 February 2001:
- remember that the deadline of sending in to MUe's olp (=official level pack) is 15. February.. so hurry if you want your lev(s) to be in olp! MUe wants more internal style levels.. more easy & long ones.

More info >>

- Abula @ 21:10 EET

Sunday, 4 February 2001:
- development of wrs is finally ready with team and personal improvements lists >>

- Abula @ 23:15 EET

Thursday, 1 February 2001:
the kuski of January 2001: zyntifox
- see the final results and the 'interview' >>
- also a new poll has been added

- Abula @ 22:05 EET

<< Mar 2001 - Jan 2001 >>

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