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News archive

<< Mar 2004 - Jan 2004 >>

Sunday, 29 February 2004
WRs - at 3:44 EET by px
Getting bored to internal levels? Current WRs too hard to break? Last week there was no new WRs to update, and now only one >>

Sunday, 15 February 2004
WRs - at 14:02 EET by px
One new WR from DarMoeD >>

Thursday, 12 February 2004
WRs - at 11:14 EET by px
One new Across WR, by barbapappa >>

Monday, 9 February 2004
WRs - at 3:37 EET by px
The 162nd WR table is up, three new WRs this time >>

Tuesday, 3 February 2004
WRs - at 18:55 EET by px
Now there's your 161st WR table, enjoy it >>

Meetings - at 12:06 EET by px
Uploaded the report and some photos from the meeting held in Gothenburg in December 2003 >>

Elma Birthday - at 1:36 EET by px
Elasto Mania is having its fourth anniversary today, having been released on 3 Feb 2000.

<< Mar 2004 - Jan 2004 >>

 ¬ 2005
 ¬ 2004
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 2003
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 2002
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 2001
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 2000
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 1999
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
 ¬ 1998
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr
Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.