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21:10 EET (GMT+2)
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News archive

<< Jul 2000 - May 2000 >>

Friday, 30 June 2000:
Updates: Oulu Records, a slogan in Team MC and Level Pack's records. Markku drove records to 64 levels! =)) .

- Abula @ 18:17 EET

Thursday, 29 June 2000:
If the domain name forward server is down as it seems to be once in a while, you can always use or to access the site.

- PeXi @ 07:03 EET

New section!!: lgr levels Now you can download all replays in one pack, which is located in rec section of course

- Abula @ 01:39 EET

Wednesday, 28 June 2000:
First of all, the timelimit for the first WCup3 level is 36,20.
Then the rest: Martin from Team Slä;tte Crossers threw us a word of the Short Level Cup, go and check it even though it already has started
Updates: Finnish Records, Elma Total times, Links and some miscellaneous fixes

- PeXi @ 23:37 EET

Tuesday, 27 June 2000:
Oulu Records have been updated, also new lev pack's (again) top10 levels are available . Hej guys, höyl some contests even though the cup is going on. Download also one good level here >>. It's a little bit different than usually. Remember to read the Readme 0PONTZ0.txt first.

- Abula @ 15:40 EET

Monday, 26 June 2000:
5th updates today!
Elbono gave 17 new recs!!!! Download them here Also a coupple of new kuskis.

- Abula @ 23:29 EET

WCup going on!
The 3rd World Cup has finally started, so go get the level, read the rules very well and höylä; like hell . The replays must be sent by 12:00 EET 2nd July to

- PeXi @ 20:00 EET

WCup info
The rules for the World Cup are now updated and can be found from here . The first level should be up about at 8-9 pm EET but remember to read the rules properly first.

- PeXi @ 18:02 EET

Bug fixing of course, new lev pack added , dictionary, Oulu Records, MC's Rcords, MC's WR history, WR Tables #022 and #023, one new custom levels' record by FredD, ElMakuskit

- Abula @ 15:25 EET

About the World Cup
The World Cup will begin in the evening, after I get home from my work at Nokia and can adjust a bit, so be here then :) Now me go sleep. Night.

Small fixes and updates
Newer lists on totals and finnish records, also some image & spelling fixes

- PeXi @ 0:47 EET

Sunday, 25 June 2000:
What's new?
About two months ago I (Abula) decided to do a better site for MC. I did it for 2-3 weeks when PeXi asked me to cooperate with him. So we merged my new one to PeXi's site and the final result is this The MopoSite. More in site info

Improved things: better outlook (hopefully) and faster service. Also we can update more often the site because both have own sections to concentrate on (more in emails). Of course you'll check out all sections but here are some good ones: ElMa dictionary in Info section, a huge contests' section, lgrs and especially stuff section!! Also you can notice that PeXi didn't want to update Swedish Records anymore :/.

Why the publication of the site took so long?
There were a lot of problems to get this site works... At first, a size of pages is about 50 MBs now, so we had to search a new place for pages, which had to be fast and of course confident. Also there cannot be any pop-ups or any other adds etc. So we decided to put files to Abula's school server but then became a real problem: the server had been limited only for finnish users. But now this should work all users from everywhere - hopefully.

General news:
If you haven't downloaded Nitro patch or even don't know what it is, check progs. >>. Here is also a link to Official (!) Nitro Records' list. APP's new site is worth of checking - maybe... What do you think about the outlook, good colors?-) There are about 50-100 .htmls in APP's site, is it necessary? World Cup 3 will be start tomorrow, send us more levs so that PeXi won't do his own ones =). MC Studios' 6 new songs will be available soon, let's say 2 weeks =). We (Abula & papu) have to do lyrics & line up, picture gallery and some story at first. For a few days we both will update the site quite much like finnish records, replays, ElMakuskit etc. So don't worry if there are some mistakes now.

NOTE: download all levels (though you have them already) because file names have been modified.

- Abula @ 17:01 EET

4 June at 22:05
- The World Cup 3 info promised >>

2 June at 1:02
- We have a new number one in totals >>
- Also recs, frs, contests, levels etc etc updated
- You could also pay a visit to psy's new site, he even has a Flat Track top-1000 list there :) >>
- Yet, on sunday 4th June, new info about the next world cup will be released, so be sure to check this space then :)

<< Jul 2000 - May 2000 >>

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