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<< Sep 2000 - Jul 2000 >>

Thursday, 31 August 2000:
for the 8th shortie event is 33,33. Exciting, isn't it?-)

- PeXi @ 23:56 EET

Tuesday, 29 August 2000:
Scissors rule
The teams' standings after 7 events (by Tisk) are now updated here
Something to comment about them? Nah, or maybe I should mention that PRA took a leap from 9th place to 5th :) Also SSC took the lead from FM, but keep in mind that SSC have three players more than FM :)

- PeXi 01:13 EET

Sunday, 27 August 2000:
More WCup
The levelfile for event #8 is here >>

- PeXi 21:08 EET

Elma World Cup event number 7 results and the rest stuff are now up, level is to be uploaded soon.

- PeXi @ 19:48 EET

Wednesday, 23 August 2000:
School, school and school. Those three lovable words...
Anyway, new LGRs (Markku's Shade.lgr and MarxOnly's Kraazeh), lgr levels, Level pack #40, Level pack records, replays, Elmakuskit, Höylä Mission, Internal & Special contests, Custom levels, new WR lists (#32, #33) and MC's WR History updated.

- Abula @ 19:25 EET

Monday, 21 August 2000:
Long time no updates :/
Bah. School suxx :) Anyway, at last some updates: Finnish Records list #30, Elma Totals list #51 (Markku took the first place there, but I'm pretty sure that KingKong already has better total :) >>

There has been some action on the WR list too, Karlis broke the former record on Freefall by about 15 seconds :) New WR is 18,60 but I've already heard of better times so that WR won't remain long... :)

Also some new links:
- Fog >>
- EDR - Elma Designers Republic
- Elasto Mania Competition >>

- PeXi @ 0:04 EET

Tuesday, 15 August 2000:
Schools began, d'oh :( I'll also have my driving theory test (or whatever it's called) tomorrow... oh god no :D
Well, anyway the timelimit for the 7th wcup event is that 1:12,11 test drive time that I had left on the level by accident :)

-PeXi @ 23:58 EET

Monday, 14 August 2000:
WCup and stuff
At first, all the normal wcup stuff should now be up, as well as the new (7th) level (by Tapzu) Due to the problems occured last weekend, this one was given more time to be played, so the recs should be send by 12:00 EET Sunday 27th August (that makes almost two weeks from now). Another reason for this is that schools begin tomorrow in Finland :(

Now someone wants for sure know what was the reason for our problems. The university server on which this site is located, was down. There was no way I or Abula could have helped the situation. So, the results and stuff were delayed, and finally decided to be put temporarily to another server (this was announced in the BBS >>, which is not on the university server and therefore was neither down, so if you encounter problems with this site, always check the BBS :))
The new level was to be put up immediatly when the uni server would have worked, and in this evening, I already was putting it up when I saw the server was down again... d'oh. Hopefully it stays up at least now for a while and if not, we hope that the university staff will be more than eager to fix the problems.

- PeXi @ 22:25 EET

Saturday, 12 August 2000:
MC Studios
MC Studios section is finally up!! >>. Also some updates: recs, Elmakuskis, Oulu records, Level pack records, MC's members info, MC's elma best times, Internal & Special contests and Custom level records.

- Abula @ 12:59 EET

Thursday, 10 August 2000:
time limit
for the 6th psychedelic wcup event is 1:14,59

- PeXi @ 22:36 EET

Wednesday, 9 August 2000:
Some new links added and some other ones removed :)

- PeXi @ 23:58 EET

Tuesday, 8 August 2000:
So, dAh s1t0rZ has now a new logo (made by bluu), hope ya like it :)

- PeXi @ 21:38 EET

A lot of Contest records
= Hoyla Mission, Special & Internal & Custom levels' records. psymorph r0xx0r in King List! Also one new LGR level has been added, ElMakuskit and Level pack records were updated too.

- Abula @ 17:40 EET

Monday, 7 August 2000:
Gee I'm 18!! :)
Teamstandings by Tisk updated >>

- PeXi @ 0:40 EET

Sunday, 6 August 2000:
are up.

- PeXi @ 21:02 EET

Results of the 5th event will be a bit delayed due to some slight technical problems :) but the next level is already up. This one is made by psy >>

- PeXi @ 17:58 EET

Saturday, 5 August 2000:
The 50th Elma total times list is up, also some new finnish records and links updated.

- PeXi @ 23:55 EET

Friday, 4 August 2000:
The timelimit of the 5th WCup event is 54,21.

- PeXi @ 3:19 EET

Thursday, 3 August 2000:
Hoyla Mission totals
Updates: Elmakuskit, Level pack records, Hoyla Mission, Internal and Special contests and .recs.

- Abula @ 17:40 EET

Wednesday, 2 August 2000:
So, a new lgr, by Kalle The Kalu has been added. Also some new contests' records: hoyla records (now Hoyla Mission's total contest is available too), custom levels' records, special and internal contests' records, Stuff level pack records.

- Abula @ 03:25 EET

Tuesday, 1 August 2000:
The wcup standings for teams after four events are here >>.

- PeXi @ 23:52 EET

<< Sep 2000 - Jul 2000 >>

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