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<< Jan 1999 - Nov 1998 >>

Sunday, 30 December 1998
More contests - at 00:23 EET by PeXi
Few more contests on the contests page

Thursday, 24 December 1998
Contests page - at 18:40 EET by PeXi
Geez.. check out the brand new contests page
Hill Legend 21,46...

Monday, 21 December 1998
Totals - at 16:51 EET by PeXi
Mazor's total time is under 39 minutes!!! But where is Nikke???

Sunday, 20 December 1998
Xmas updates - at 00:09 EET by PeXi
Merry Christmas to all!!!
Sorry for not writing much for a couple of weeks but it will be fixed now.
Hey, what's that ?? Can you see it ?? Yes I do. As you can see, I've done few graphical improvements and moved the smaller frame to left side. I think it's better this way and I've already got few positive comments on it, which is nice (one for Jouni :P)
I also just added a new section to this site, a "stuff" page, visit it please :). You can find some nice pics, recs and other nice stuff there.

There has also been a lot of talk of cheating in across.
Few WRs have even been thrown out from THE list. I personally think that cheating and cheaters are straight from deep a**. If you can't play honestly, don't play at all. Leave WRs to them who CAN play.

Then one thing which isn't so nice. I'm getting tired playing across. I've improved my times once in 10 days, it was today when I decided my old time in Hang Tight was like big shit. The new one is a smaller shit. Before 33,84 (!), now 31,25. Lousy.
Of course I won't end these pages and I will update them as frequently as before, hopefully even more often.
Well there is now enough text for this time... I'll write again when I have something...

Sunday, 6 December 1998
TT under 40 - at 00:01 EET by PeXi
At last, it's time for me to get my total time under 40 minutes. I managed to improve my WR in New Wave, and now I'm the first man to break the 1:40 limit in that track with time 1:39,80.
I also drove Quick Round 53,12, Labyrinth Pro 3:34,67 and Tricks Abound 1:04,70.

<< Jan 1999 - Nov 1998 >>

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Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.