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<< Mar 2003 - Jan 2003 >>

Wednesday, 26 February 2003
Records - at 0:38 EET by Abula
Shame me again but Records update #31 is finally here. Venezuela and Belarus are new countries and Portuguese got own lists. ciph and Cloud went under 40 minutes and I added one new rule to times submitting: rename your state.dat to nick.dat where nick is your nick. Examples: abula.dat, karlis.dat, chris penrose.dat (so don't use capitals). This will save some time and I may update faster in the future.

Tiny detail: some Yugoslavian gyus wanted to begin to use some old flag of their country because of some nostalgic things.

Tuesday, 25 February 2003
Update - at 20:02 EET by Abula
The rookie poll is reset, vote again there.

Golden apple awards - at 13:38 EET by Abula
Finally we got the GAA03 polls up. They are on Mopolauta with the private jury-topics for public >>

You have three days time to vote. Your votes decide the top5 nominees and the jury will vote for the victory on Saturday at 20:00 EET at #across (IRCnet).

122 new state.dats sent to me, I start working for Records update now. I've been pretty busy last days (not been able to update, sorry for that) and now on I will dedicate all my spare time for Moposite. By the way guess who is 20 years old today? =)

Monday, 24 February 2003
World Cup 4 over - at 23:30 EET by px
So, the fourth World Cup is finally over. The russian speedster DarMoeD was somewhat overwhelming, congrats to him for the victory. More statistics and info about prizes etc will follow much later. Meanwhile go check what we already have up. Good night.

Oh yeah, Elma WRs were updated yesterday, if you didn't notice.

Wednesday, 18 February 2003
Donation - at 2:15 EET by Abula
ramone donated awesome amount of euros for the Moposite, lots of kisses to him.

ps. Records update later today I hope.

Sunday, 16 February 2003
WRs and WCup - at 23:14 EET by px
The last event level of World Cup 4 is up. Notice the bit unusual deadline. World Records updated too, lots of new ones there.

Thursday, 13 February 2003
Golden apple awards - at 20:16 EET by Abula
The annual Golden apple awards will be arranged soon. The categories and candidates will be up on Mopolauta in a few days and the final show will be at #across on 1st March 2003 at 20:00 EET. More >>

Sunday, 9 February 2003
Records - at 21:39 EET by Abula
Lists #30 up, nothing to see there or maybe new nation lists: French.

FRA, NED and RUS language pages will be up some day.

WCup and WRs - at 17:16 EET by px
The 19th event of World Cup 4 is over. Cloud rocking this time. Now prepare for the final höyling, next up it's the last event of this cup. Top20 replays of WCup419 here >>

Elma World Records updated too >>

Saturday, 8 February 2003
LOM - at 0:31 EET by Abula
The theme of February LOM is Animals.

Friday, 7 February 2003
No rotation - at 19:57 EET by Abula
If you are interested to see how to finish internal levels without rotation buttons (left and right arrows) watch Markku's replays. Only Fruit in the Den he didn't do and Apple Harvest and Labyrinth Pro replays stop to 5 mins because of replay lenght limit. Especially look at Bowling and Tricks Abound. >>

Wednesday, 5 February 2003
Kuski of month - at 18:39 EET by Abula
milagros won the kuski of Jan 2003 poll. February's poll is up >>

Monday, 3 February 2003
Records - at 0:23 EET by Abula
Records table #29 up, new country: South Africa.

Sunday, 2 February 2003
WCup and WRs - at 18:10 EET by px
The usual World Cup stuff are up. Download the top20 replays here >>

Also Elma WR table has been updated, IC rocking there.

<< Mar 2003 - Jan 2003 >>

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