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<< Nov 2001 - Sep 2001 >>

Wednesday, 31 October 2001
8th Battle - at 0:39 EET by Abula

Dz won. psy was second >>

There are also team points counted by MGen (though the 8th battle is missing still, will be updated later). Check out them, much stats. Thanks MGen >>

Ambulance and MGen have still played all battles. Hungary passed Norway and TEA is the best battle team. We like stats, don't we?-]

Tuesday, 30 October 2001
OLP multi WRs - at 20:56 EET by Abula

Ye, the list is still running. Check my team's new WRs, they r0xx0r :P >>

Different OS's - at 16:01 EET by Abula

What computer do you have and what operating system? Does Elma work fine with that system? Maybe you want to know whether Elma works or not under some OS before installing it. Share your experiences and read others' >>

Monday, 29 October 2001
More battles - at 19:30 EET by Abula

Four battles this week, check dates and times >>

Note: two battles on thursday.

Sunday, 28 October 2001
Fixed WR table - at 21:11 EET by Abula

I recommend you to recheck the wr table. oizo's Circuitous WR was misspelled and it's fixed now.

NOR vs. HUN - at 13:35 EET by Abula

I added nationality points to Battle main page, check them >>

7th Battle - at 12:58 EET by Abula

Dz, psy and KCET-ISS2 have won now two battles per kuski. So the winner of seventh battle was (again) KCET-ISS2 [swos]. Results and stuff >>

(Only?) Ambulance and MGen have taken part in all seven battles. Totally 6 kuskis have played 6 battles and they are Dz, Petri, ONL, Rasu, Snyder and Alazorn. Dz was second in 7th battle and is leading the whole competition; five kuskis have more than 100 points. 54 different kuskis have participated now, it's pretty good I think.

ps. mr, my team mate was visiting me this weekend and we managed to get one multi wr. Wohho. SveinR, we're waiting =). Hopefully someone doesn't have better..

Thursday, 25 October 2001
6th Battle - at 23:17 EET by Abula

We have a new winner: KCET-ISS2 [swos]! Dz did bad, was just second (:P) and is dominating whole competition. Results and the rec >>

Six battles behind: Petri, MGen, ONL, Ambulance and Alazorn. Dz, Rasu and Snyder have played 5 battles, pretty nice too.

5th Battle: TomCat was 3rd! - at 22:50 EET by Abula

Damn, my mistake. I had forgotten to update TomCat's time in 5th battle, sorry. However, it should be okey now.

5th Battle - at 0:09 EET by Abula

Dz won 5th battle. psy and Dz have both won two battles now, they are the masters :]. Anyway Dz is leading the whole competition and he broke first point limit, 100 points. Results and Dz's rec >>

Five kuskis have taken part all battles: Petri, ONL, MGen, Ambulance and Alazorn. Whee.

Wednesday, 24 October 2001
CSabi's interview - at 20:19 EET by Abula

I'm still waiting Karlis to send his interview. However CSabi is ready with own >>

Also I remind you to vote this month's kuski >>

lgr level records - at 18:32 EET by Abula

Rasu [VC] on fire.

Evilsite - at 17:09 EET by Abula

EML has got Evilsite back to business. The new url is EML has other fellow kuskis helping him, together they are able to update more often (I hope so). All sections (except Elma League) are running there, send in your records.

Also I'd like to highlight two new Level sites:
- Alazorn's hoyla and skill (try psy :P) levels >>
- Olliz's levels, one of the best Level designer so far >>

Links section updated.

7th battle - at 14:50 EET by Abula

Starting time of the seventh battle has been changed to 1:00 EET.

Top10 packs - at 14:48 EET by Abula

New, #69, Top10 pack has been rated by Dz. #68 will come later :P. Also a few records by ToTaL [ReC] >>

Contests - at 13:25 EET by Abula

The rest of Jalli's records are updated. psy, Alazorn and EML drove also a few to Special Contests.

4th Battle - at 0:44 EET by Abula

MGen [TEA] won the battle, skint0r rose 13 positions in whole competition and psy is still leading. The winning replay and results are up >>

I have changed pointing system a bit: now everyone gets one point from participating so it's always worth sending in the replay. There are still 7 kuskis (Petri, ONL, MGen, Tisk, Ambulance, bobisek and Alazorn) who have had taken part in all four first battles. Grats for them!

Also take a look to next battling times, they have been changed.

Tuesday, 23 October 2001
Fixing.. - at 18:40 EET by Abula

WR stats had much mistakes which are hopefully fixed now. I also added some more stats, check them here.

And don't forget tonight's 4th MopoBattle.

Monday, 22 October 2001
WR stats - at 23:59 EET by Abula

WR development has been updated. I also did a small statistics file of WRs. It's pretty interesting. What WR is the oldest? What nationality has most WRs? What is the best team in Elma history? Answers for the questions can be found here.

Oh, and the total of WRs is 40:02,67 now :]. We're waiting..

More battles - at 20:14 EET by Abula

Next battle will be arranged tomorrow, 23 October 2001 at 22:00 EET. Dates of later battles can be seen >>

#75 - at 13:04 EET by PeXi

My deepest apologies go directly to you, for it took again(?) almost a month to update the WR tables :). Anyway, here they are, the 75th WR table >> and the 18th OLP WR table >>

Sunday, 21 October 2001
Top10 pack records - at 1:55 EET by Abula

Jouni [EMT] drove a few (74) records, he is also leading the whole competition >>

Friday, 19 October 2001
Battle #3 - at 0:55 EET by Abula

The winner of 3rd battle is psy [FM]! Me respect. There are 9 finnish kuskis in top11. Hey other fellow kuskis, come to play and challenge the finns. Results and stuff of the third battle >>

Thursday, 18 October 2001
Battle #2 - at 17:15 EET by Abula

Dz [REM] won. psy is still leading the whole competition. There were 28 participaters. The last battle for a while will be today at 22:00 EET (same place, same time), come with. Get Dz's winning rec, and look at the results >>

Wednesday, 17 October 2001
lgr level records - at 19:06 EET by Abula

Jalli drove some more. Now he has 36 out of 52 possible records.

First Battle - at 0:43 EET by Abula

First MopoBattle is over and psy [FM] is the winner! Totally 20 kuskis took part in, pretty good. Second battle will be arranged today, Wednesday 17 Octobet at 22:00 EET (same time, same place), come with. The replay, level and the results can be found under Mopobattle section, can you find it from Moposite?-)

Tuesday, 16 October 2001
Level pack records - at 17:19 EET by Abula

Omg, Jalli [FBE] beat 60 (!!) level pack records and he is leading the whole competition now, NPhoBiaz is still second >> He sent some Contest records too, those I will update later.

And remember the first battle tonight. Some links have been broken but now everything should work fine. Many professianal players will take part in, be sure you are there too. The Battle starts at 22:00 EET (for example in Norway and Sweden it is 21:00 and in Greenwich 20:00). Come at least 10 mins earlier and then you won't miss the battle. More >>

Monday, 15 October 2001
Adjusting left 'frame' - at 22:09 EET by Abula

As you can see Mopobattle section is now in the main list, not under Contests section. So it is own section and has nothing to do with King List. There is still some errors, I think. Please inform me if any occurs.

Battles - at 13:29 EET by Abula

Yes, dates of the first three battles have been set. The first will be tomorrow! Please read battle info etc. Let's see how this works. More info >>

OLP target times - at 1:43 EET by Abula

Tja, now there is also OLP target times available to see how good OLP player you are, DYW265 was the person who gave me this idea. Those times are defined by me, some of them can be too good or too bad. Of course you can suggest better ones to me and maybe I'll change them. Anyway get the .txt (hopefully it isn't messed up) >>

Sunday, 14 October 2001
Food recipes - at 20:49 EET by Abula

Oh, one food recipe by Greg has been added >>

Internal Contests - at 20:42 EET by Abula

krychek beat one Champi0N's record.

Totals - at 20:34 EET by Abula

OLP and Across (wth?!?) totals have been updated. Jokke improved his Across total almost one minute. Last update of Across totals was in year 1999 =]. Quite nostalgic, isn't it?

Elmakuski list - at 20:19 EET by Abula

.. is updated.

Articles - at 20:06 EET by Abula

Two new articles by Ambulance and nemo. Read, enjoy and write your own >>

A few CZ links - at 19:36 EET by Abula

I found two links which I want to share. One is "Abu's Elma page", eh. I feel like I would have seen this nick before. Other one has a nice .php system.. I'm jealous. EFT's team page >>

Custom records - at 19:25 EET by Abula

psy drove 14 new records to Custom Levels. He even beat his own record in "Most records on the King List at the same time", now the record is 73. Also one Hoyla Mission record by Zolee.

New contests - at 18:01 EET by Abula

I made 5 and MUe gave one level to Moposite's special contests. Download them and get sick >> Also I added 6 new funny Internal contests. Zo3non: it's time for hoyling =).

Flag Tag level - at 13:29 EET by Abula

BarTek designed new Flag Tag level, get it there >> We want more, don't we?

Elma totals - at 0:41 EET by Abula

Totals have been updated. pajen broke new minute limit! Grats. psy and MGen did also pretty good improvements >>

Saturday, 13 October 2001
lgrs - at 13:59 EET by Abula

It was time to update lgrs. One new lgr file by Olliz called Bugman. I added few lgr levels too, download them to see how good lgr Bugman is. Also some lgr records by FoSS.

Next I'm going to update totals. Send in your own total if you want it to be updated in next table.

Thursday, 11 October 2001
Links - at 21:49 EET by Abula

Links have been updated, many cool ones there. Check all new ones, I recommend :P.

But I must highlight one link. It's a list for Top5000 players. Sing up >>

More replays - at 16:04 EET by Abula

Across replays are updated too >>

Funny replays - at 15:39 EET by Abula

Could it be possible to do 402 volts in Steppes in 5 minutes? Check yourself >>

ps. I counted them =]

WRs' totals - at 14:55 EET by Abula

Current WRs' total: 40:07,23. Thus we will see soon WRs' total under 40 minutes. Pretty awesome :-). Who would have guessed this two years ago? More >>

Wednesday, 10 October 2001
Jeppe recs - at 19:20 EET by Abula

47 new internal replays, most by Jeppe. Wohho. Enjoy. >>

Elma dictionary - at 17:19 EET by Abula

Only a few new words have been added.

New kuski poll - at 16:09 EET by Abula

A bit late but there it is anyway >>

Screenshot test - at 15:01 EET by Abula

MUe made an awesome test. Check your skills, I got 31/33 :] >>

Tuesday, 9 October 2001
some updates - at 22:00 EET by Abula

- Elmakuskit
- lgr level records
- WR development
- Contests

Miller..who? The man who has most records on old World Cup records by Elma section. So you know :P.

Ad: Jeppe sent in 32 replays to Moposite's replay section. I will upload them quite s00n, keep on waiting :P.

Wednesday, 3 October 2001
BarTek hoyling - at 23:00 EET by Abula

'Official Levelpack Rates' -section has _many_ records to beat. Try yourself. BarTek beat 30 of them, nice >>

Bugs in state.dat - at 19:59 EET by Abula

Do you have some bug times (like Hooked) in your state.dat? Many has. Now you have a possibility to get fixed it. Send the state to telling the tracks which have some problems. I'll fix it and send back to you.

MopoVote #2 - at 19:59 EET by Abula

ribQ suggested the question for MopoVote #2. What is the best-looking Elma page in your opinion? For sure it's much easier to vote when you have seen the pages :). Thus I collected the links here:

- Cah'Kon, also known by Kahvisite >>
- c0ol, brand new one. Flash and a bit different as asual >>
- Moposite, hm, maybe you've seen this >>
-, official site of Elma >>
- Evilsite, there will be a new look >>
- Mini ElMa, pretty nice, eh? >>
- Skint's Elma page, skint has had many cool designs, current one is nice too >>
- Nemo's Elma page, quite new page.. >>
- ciph's Elma page, hm it was there at least :P >>
- psyte, army army IS OVER the day after tomorrow! >>
- CART, this I like (but not most :]) >>

Old poll can be found here.

PS. I have said this many times but I say it again. So, if you want your link to Moposite link section go to Edit, Add, Del link page. That is the only way you can have your links there. And, you can inform other people's links too. Please help us and submit new links, we ourselves have such limited time, thanks.

Oulu records - at 17:17 EET by Abula

Oulu records have been updated too. Seems like ReC is the team of Oulu province. Damn, we must hoyl more ... later >>

Danish Elma page has gotten a new look, check out >>

Finnish records - at 12:05 EET by Abula

Check out them, Dz is a crazy boy >>

Tuesday, 2 October 2001
Average times - at 19:15 EET by Abula

Many new ones. ciph, Mick and Dz on fire.

Fixing - at 14:04 EET by Abula

- One funny replay link was broken - fixed.
- Some grammar mistakes like kb --> kB
- Dezz has changed his nick to Dz

<< Nov 2001 - Sep 2001 >>

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