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20:36 EET (GMT+2)
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<< Nov 2004 - Sep 2004 >>

Sunday, 31 October 2004
Replays - at 18:28 EET by Abula
Huge amount of new old WR replays and one professional replay updated by mr.

WRs - at 18:07 EET by px
WR total time is now finally under 37 minutes (36:59,17), thanks to Zweq's two new WRs and ANpDaD's one new WR.

Wednesday, 27 October 2004
KOM - at 12:50 EET by Abula
Luther's interview, kuski of November 2003

Tuesday, 26 October 2004
Raiders of the lost Flowers - at 23:55 EET by Abula
Rez is a genious comic maker and now his famous 'Raiders of the lost Flowers' comic can be read on Moposite. It's often updated (about twice in a week), endless and very funny Elma comic. The newest part of it can be always viewed on the Moposite main page, on right side. Older parts are located in Stuff section. You can try to affect to the story by suggesting ideas/material on Mopolauta.

OLP Records - at 19:05 EET by px
Seven new OLP records >>

KOM - at 12:25 EET by Abula
skint0r's interview, kuski of October 2003

Monday, 25 October 2004
LGRs - at 4:15 EET by Abula
skint0r updated LGR page. There are several new ones and at least Pirate, Duke, Cartoon and Clown are worth testing. The rest are called Nitro, Ekros, Elma2, Moto, Cartoon, Eiskis, McDonalds, Lego, Underwater, Strongbad, Offensive, No Theme and Exc xr.

skint0r also started to update official level pack top10 records so send new lgrs and top10 pack records to

Sunday, 24 October 2004
Mopolauta overview - at 19:16 EET by Abula
Somewhy I wanted to make a Mopolauta overview; what interesting discussion there are currently going:
- Upcoming Golden apple awards 2004
- Old Multi WR tables
- Wich styles you just dont GET?
- World Cup 5
- Get Elma smoother in XP
- Will total time ever be under 36mins?
- WR replays
- Which level will take the WR TT under 37 mins?
- your hoyla mission times

Also I found a nice Elma comic: Raiders of the lost flowers

WRs - at 14:35 EET by px
Surprisingly many, four new World Records this time. I recieved three attempts as the new Curvaceous WR, the fastest one of which was Jalli's. Zweq got two new records, and the fourth one went to John. The total time of WRs is getting closer and closer to the magical 37 minutes limit, being now 37:00,99.

Saturday, 23 October 2004
The taste of the heaven fruit - at 17:28 EET by Abula
Our Elma entertainer, BarTek, has made a cool flash animation: The taste of the heaven fruit
- Download in zip
- View in browser

You need flash installed.

Articles - at 16:57 EET by Abula
Chris Penrose and BarTek wrote new articles.

Kuski of month - at 16:05 EET by Abula
Kuski of month section has been quite inactive lately. The interviews of the winners will be sent today or tomorrow (contact SveinR in IRC or by emailing to The deadline of the ALL INTERVIEWS (including Cloud, TorInge, Jokke, milagros, Mick) is 1 Jan 2005.

List of the winners, the poll of the October 2004. kuiva wrote his interview months ago and now it's uploaded.

Ps. There is one new rule. The kuski can be chosen as a kuski of month once in three years so for example Karlis can be revoted in the next poll.

Programs - at 14:34 EET by Abula
Finally Elma programs page is updated. Here are overviews of the new ones:

Advanced level editor v2.0 by Nicolas: very cool program for advanced level designing. It has much better user interface than the official one. You can copy polygons, import stuff, have several levels opened at the same time, create circles, extract LGRs and much much more. Really worth testing! Mopolauta topic

Elma Timing Int 2.1 by SmarT: useful program for comparing your times. The official site and Mopolauta topic of the program.

Friday, 22 October 2004
More replays - at 14:54 EET by Abula
mr updated Old WR replays page aswell.

Thursday, 21 October 2004
Replays - at 23:17 EET by Abula
mr updated Professional, Multi and Across replays.

Tuesday, 19 October 2004
WRs - at 0:53 EET by px
One new World Record.

Monday, 18 October 2004
Kinglist - at 2:40 EET by Abula
Because of some problems I decided to remove On the list since and Updated columns of the Kinglist. Otherwise it should be ok now.

Sunday, 17 October 2004
Records #59 - at 18:49 EET by Abula

Kinglist points - at 16:03 EET by Abula
BarTek will count the Kinglist points in the future.

MC levels - at 16:00 EET by Abula
BarTek drove 6 new MC level records.

Special levels - at 15:42 EET by Abula
Three new sick pipe times among other records by Jalli, nh, BarTek and MJXII.

Internal level contests - at 14:52 EET by Abula
BarTek and Marci in fire.

Custom levels - at 13:48 EET by Abula
BarTek, Ante, Crazy and Marci have driven some records.

Hoyla Mission - at 13:00 EET by Abula
One of the craziest Elma achievements which I've seen is this one updated. Crazy took 28 Hoyla Mission records! Even one record requires 100h hoyling! He broke the unbelievable 11 minutes limit as well. Crazy.

Lost Internals - at 12:20 EET by Abula
Tisk dominating the table. Two minute limits got broken since the former update.

For next I'll update Hoyla Mission.

Kinglist - at 2:09 EET by Abula
I've started to update Kinglist so if you have some records, please send them in immediately!

Friday, 15 October 2004
TorInge cheats? - at 20:40 EET by Abula
People who don't believe TorInge's achievement are welcome to Trondheim to meet him according to Phillip who saw TorInge driving in real life.

24h TT - at 15:50 EET by Abula
If you didn't know that TorInge is quite good in Elma I can tell you he is. He just drove 37mins total time in 24h. Jalli, Tantal, Phillip and TorInge had an Elma meeting and Jalli and TorInge drove 24h total times there. TorInge got 37:56,12 and Jalli 41:42,14.

I'll update the 24h tt page later.

Tuesday, 12 October 2004
Mopolauta - at 22:55 EET by Abula
I read some old topics of the Mopolauta and found a few links worth mentioning:
- Split Frenzy
- Driving by nose
- Elma Timing 2.0 by smarT
- Pirate lgr and lev
- 50 euro level

Records - at 18:30 EET by Abula
From now the Records section is updated every second Sunday (the first and the third ones of the month).

Sunday, 10 October 2004
WRs - at 21:13 EET by px
Two new World Records.

Monday, 4 October 2004
Records #58 - at 21:12 EET by Abula
Records are updated.

I went through all my old emails searching for all the state.dat submittions.

Sunday, 3 October 2004
WRs - at 22:03 EET by px
Three new World Records.

<< Nov 2004 - Sep 2004 >>

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Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.