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News archive

<< Feb 2000 - Nov 1999 >>

16.09, 24th December 1999
Merry Christmas to everyone!

21.04, 7th December 1999
New contests at the contests site, in these four new patch contests you are allowed to
use this patch, but if you want to get it, get it elsewhere, I won't distribute it :)

11.00, 2nd December 1999
Got my computer fixed and can now continue updating the site more regularly. Also my
mail etc work just fine.

Then a few words about this "patch" or "". You've probably heard of it or even
tried it but in case not, it's a patch which enables you to finish tracks without taking any
apples and rotate like hell. See, I've driven e.g. Uphill Battle down to 6,39. This patch
causes several problems to some list keepers like for example total times lists, since
anyone can easily drive very-close-to-wr-times and that way cheat on totals or other
things. That's why I've had to freeze the Total times top-20 list and average times top-3
list for a while until I mamage to find out a good solution.

My honest opinion is that you really should not play Across with that patch. I know it's
great fun at first, but if you play it for let's say hour, two or more, you totally lose the
touch to normal Across. I myself tried to play Flat Track after some time with patch
and got 22,30 :)

<< Feb 2000 - Nov 1999 >>

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 ¬ 2000
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 ¬ 1999
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 ¬ 1998
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr
Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.