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<< Feb 2002 - Dec 2001 >>

Wednesday, 30 January 2002
Lost #3 - at 22:04 EET by Abula

Uh, people have been hoyling. Got over 400 recs in 200 new mails. A coupple of totals submitted too. Dz broke 56 mins limit. Matte did it too but later. Next limit is for Dz or Matte? Or maybe ZeiZei, Miguel, you?

49 new records. Circarious has still base time (me roks :-]). Legendary Hills, Serpents Teeth, Deep Border and Spring Ride were the only unbeaten.

Next deadline is on Sunday 18:00 EET. >>

Sunday, 27 January 2002
psyte v2 - at 23:10 EET by Abula

One of the oldest, my personal favourite, the mecca of the lev designing, psyte v2, is back, after 9 months slavery, with new sweet look, take a visit >>

Kinglist - at 12:43 EET by Abula

Puuh, finally I got the Kinglist updated. I recounted all points, there were some mistakes. Lost Internals are not included into the Kinglist, yet.

Team points are counted too, team . and ReC having a tight battle. Look at Special Contests, new pip0r guru has born: Jalli [FBE].

IRK, TonyLee and Miguel drove 24h totals, check their achievements.

Multi Contest List has been taken out off the Kinglist because not everybody has possibility to compete on those and by playing only multi you were able to get lead in the Kinglist 'too' easily. Sorry CC and ReC guys, hopefully you understand. You can mail me telling better solutions.

Jeppe has given up the Kinglist battle? psy is alone in a lead - again.

Keep on hoyling, I'm able to update more often now.

57 mins limit - at 9:52 EET by Abula

Seems like Matte is in uncatchable mood, he broke 57 mins limit.

Lost WRs's total is 56:10,82, thanks Dz for counting.

Saturday, 26 January 2002
Enigmatic song - at 22:25 EET by Abula

Want to hear something really funny? Tshabee [eXT] made it >>

Lost #02 - at 21:00 EET by Abula

Oki, first Lost Internals record table updated (totals too) >>

Matte is dominating, no one can challenge him?

I wanted to highlight the most craziest records (imo) and they are Miguel's Fast Route and Laundry Detergent. Also Matte's Fruit Plow is awesome, it will stay looooong time on the table, believe me. Zo3non drove also damn good time on Thin Light.

Next list will be on Wednesday around 18:00 EET (I have an exam on Tuesday).

Kinglist with all other contets will be updated tomorrow.

Deadline of the Level of Month competition is 31st January.

Matte Again - at 16:21 EET by Abula

What should I say..Matte is under 58mins now >>

A small fix - at 16:09 EET by Abula

Those who downloaded Lost Internals just after releasing them, could check if they have some small mistakes in level files. Open 14th and 46th levels and look at the numbers, are they missing?

If the answer is yes and you want the number there you have to redownload the level pack and pick Lost14.lev and Lost46.lev and overwrite the old ones (NOTE: you will lose your times in those two levels). Replays work in both levels (old and fixed ones).

Decision is yours:
You have to choose "numbers missing & old times stay" OR "numbers fixed & you have to redrive Deep-Lo-Deep and Bowling Ball records".

If you don't understand this do nothing.

PS. 110mins time to send in the records for the first table update. Only a few kuskis has sent in so far, you can get a big bunch of records quite easily. Come on, send in!

Matte Matte - at 12:45 EET by Abula

Matte is under 59mins!

More totals - at 9:30 EET by Abula

At 0:41 EET (6h 41min after releasing the levels) I got a mail from Dz, he had gotten 1:05:48,43. He broke 66 mins limit, wuhuu.

5:10 EET (11h 10min after the levs) Matte [TNT] has sent his total in. This crazy boy had already hoyled total under one hour!! Next target is 59 mins limit, who will beat it?

Remember that the deadline of sending in the records is today 18:00 EET (over 8 hours time to hoyl still). I'm wondering who will be the king of the first table.

Friday, 25 January 2002
Orcc the second - at 21:40 EET by Abula

Orcc was the second with total time, he got 1:09:20,71 so he broke the magical 70mins limit =).

Remember - at 21:30 EET by Abula

When counting the total don't include the Lost55.lev to it. Move it some other folder or something while counting the total.

Dz the fastest - at 21:15 EET by Abula

It took 3h and 4minutes for him to download the levels, finish them all and send them back to me. He was the first, the fastests and the best. Grats!

Dz's great total is 1:14:34,81. Thus he broke 75 mins limit. Who will be the first under 74 mins? Keep on hoyling.

Lost Internals finally here! - at 18:00 EET by Abula

Read BarTek's greetings and check Lost Internal page >>

Or maybe you just want to hoyl >>

Who gets the first total, all levels finished. The first who send all 54 levels with total time gets his credits. Also who will be the first under one hour, 59mins and so on. Keep on playing and sending records in. Read mailing instructions from Lost Internals page >>

Deadline of sending in records to table #02 is 18:00 EET 26th day of this month. Simply: after 24 hours, tomorror at the same time. I'll update the table a few hours after the deadline.

55th level is just for fun, not included in total compo.

I won't count these records to Kinglist now. Just a bit later when record beating gets calmed.

BarTek made the levs, PeXi wrote the story, Abula made the lists and you hoyl.

Take a conversation on Mopolauta about the compo and the levels >>

Next the word is BarTek's:

Yowsa! I [BarTek] have dedicated my last time making the "Lost Internals". This has taken me over 4 months and now they are done (wheee). I did this for three reasons:
1. I wanted to tribute elmascene something good.
2. I was looking for a ultimate levelmaking challange.
3. I wanted to keep the Internal-Style alive.

For a half-year ago i felt that the original Internals [1-54] were gettin boring and hoyled to the maximum. Therefore i wanted to offer players new fresch un-hoyled levels which they could start to play. The main idea of these levels is to offer players levels with the same kinda design and feeling as the original internals but with new routes, in other words - copies of the original levels but with new driveways.

For example if you loved playing Jaws once but lost interest cuz you already hoyled it to maximum, then you probably love the "Lost Internal" version. It offers the same kinda drive feelin and design as the original but this one has a completely different drive route. This means you can start finding NEW cheatpaths and tricks on a level that feels the same as in the original balaz version. I want to thank Abula for letting me design these levels for moposite. Abula also came up with 70% of all the level-names (re-spect) and suggested some small changes to the levels. Also a big thank to ciph´s mom for making me in a good moud every friday night before i go to sleep>:) I hope these level will be a interest to most players and remember that they are a salute to the real internals. I wish you all the very best and have a good hoyling spree:) Now download them or i´ll kick you ass>:P

Written by: BarTek the ElmaEntertainer aka Dj-Kuski [mE iZ]

Thursday, 24 January 2002
Bad news - at 18:12 EET by Abula

I needed help from three person. MUe and PeXi did their parts but BarTek disappered. He said I'm not allowed to release the levels without his permission. And as you can guess I haven't seen him in last 24 hours. BarTek, mail me as soon as possible, please.

Everything is ready, Im just waiting for BarTek. Hopefully he'll contact me in next 24 hours. So the next try for releasing stuff is tomorrow same time. I'm sorry. Don't kill us.

While waiting you can read some info from the Lost Internals page >>

Wednesday, 23 January 2002
They're coming - at 18:00 EET by Abula

In 24 hours, tomorrow at 18:00 EET Lost Internals will be released!

Be here and win the compo of the fastest total warrior. More info tomorrow.

Sunday, 20 January 2002
Problems - at 16:55 EET by Abula

Have you had problems to send mails us? You could try to use address instead of

I'm having much work in school these days but after a week I'm back in business, maybe even earlier. Lost (ghost) Internals will be published s00n with some small competitions like who can finish all Lost Internals quickest. Also the first kuski under one hour, 59 mins, 58 mins etc. Searching secret areas could be one compo too. I'm going to inform more later.

PS. Contest section is next to update, sorry my lazyness :/.

Thursday, 17 January 2002
Lists updates - at 12:40 EET by PeXi

A couple of new WRs again. TomCat from TEA run his first ever WR, at Islands in the Sky, beating Jeppe with 10 hundredths. A bit greater was the improvement in Tricks Abound, this nowadays quite unseen amount of 2,24 seconds was taken off by slix from swos, he also made his way to the list for the first time. At OLP tracks, ZenitH improved the record at Dunes a bit.

Thursday, 10 January 2002
FIN pages updated - at 22:46 EET by PeXi

Must be _very_ interesting.

Some minor WR lists updates - at 5:17 EET by PeXi

Yeap, the army is finally over and I should have more time to spend on this site, we'll see what will happen, for I doubt that the laziness I learned there is to stay :) Anyway, I have at last updated Across, Elma and OLP WRs. Enjoy.

Dz interview - at 0:01 EET by Abula

Read it >>

Moposite got some sponsors, visit their sites (right bottom).

Tuesday, 1 January 2002
New Elma Year 2002 - at 23:50 EET by Abula

At first I'd like to wish you extreme pure hoyla year and good luck your life's bounces.

Secondly: Level of month section has started. Who is king of level designing, compete! The first theme is "Forms & figures". Read more >>

A small overview of Elma year 2001
31 Jan: Haazelmaban animation was released.
07 Feb: Multi WR list was started to host by SveinR.
22 Feb: LOS cup started.
02 Mar: Wcup 3 Winners got the prizes :].
03 Mar: OLP was released.
18 Apr: Official Single WR list is hosted by Moposite.
21 Jul: Elma CD with Elma Crime movie was released.
25 Aug: First Elma League was over.
25 Aug: Moposite came back from the offline period.
03 Sep: Sec cup started.
16 Oct: First Mopobattle's winner was psy.
19 Oct: Multi WRs's total went under 26 mins.
26 Nov: Mitik Cup started.
05 Dec: WRs's total went under 40 mins.

The list is Moposite-centered and I know I forget something important so mail me and I fix it. Ambulance gave the idea for poll of the Kuski of Year 2001 award, give your vote (the poll is located under kuski of month poll on main page in left frame, find it). Kuskis of the months of the year 2001 were:
  • January 2001: zyntifox
  • February 2001: mrDJ
  • March 2001: MUe
  • April 2001: Stikky
  • May 2001: Karlis
  • June 2001: pajen
  • July 2001: MGen
  • August 2001: ciph
  • September 2001: CSabi
  • October 2001: Deadelous
  • November 2001: psy
  • December 2001: Dz
They deserve the honour.

People know Mopolauta isn't always for smart conversations, there are many newbies who don't know much the scene and only a few can write proper english. Newbies use the board as a question area, Im not sure is it good or not (for rookies it is good of course). Maybe there could be a "problems, questions" forum or something, dunno. Still I believe quite a big bunch Elma kuskis are reading Mopolauta now and then.

I want to give some credit for a couple of kuskis on Mopolauta due to their activity and for being a good example to other kuskis :-). Hopefully I didn't forget anyone, I am sorry if I did. There are a few other all-time active but I don't want to mention them guess.

Credits go to (alphabetic order):
  • Ambulance: writes much.
  • ciphhh: all-time active.
  • csybe: has good arguments and strong opinions..eventhough is
        horse-playing too much and having a stupid role.
  • dz (new nick): 3 good topics :) + basic good.
  • EML: writes much too, has good arguments, not always active.
  • Karlis: all-time active.
  • MagnusB: basic good.
  • skint0r: active and has sense and energy to post.
  • Snyder: it's joy to read his posts.
I myself want to thank all you who loves Elma and give me an opportunity to play this great game, be in a awesome scene and update Moposite. Thank you.

<< Feb 2002 - Dec 2001 >>

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