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<< Aug 2000 - Jun 2000 >>

Monday, 31 July 2000:
Updates: Elmakuskit, new custom levels, a lot of new contest records (internal, special, hoyla mission, custom levels, 'best total in 24h'), wr table #029, MC's WR history, Oulu records, new level pack (#39), level pack records, replays. Nothing more.
- Abula @ 23:59 EET

Sunday, 30 July 2000:
And the winner of the fourth event was... ok ok you all know it, it was Dr_Luni, once again :) Go see what was your position in the results >>.
The 5th level should also be up soon.

- PeXi @ 14:50 EET

Some bugfixes and also the following new links:
- Hungarian Elma Site >>
- CTD contests >>
- Team Gizimmo >>

- PeXi @ 0:20 EET

Saturday, 29 July 2000:
New Elma totaltime list (#50) is here >>.

- PeXi @ 23:59 EET

Friday, 28 July 2000:
No niihä; o!
The timelimit for the 4th cup event is 56,70.

- PeXi @ 1:20 EET

Thursday, 27 July 2000:
Multi WRs
A miracle has happened: Tumex updated his multi lists. MC got four new WRs =). More here >>. One new hoyla mission record by Bjorn, 2 new 'lgr levels' by RiZ (again)!, Oulu Records and MC's ElMa records updated.

- Abula @ 17:50 EET

Wednesday, 26 July 2000:
More 'lgr levels'
So, go download RiZ's two new lgr levels for Q3Arena and Nightdriver lgrs, also some level pack records and an old WR-rec have been updated.

- Abula @ 17:50 EET

Tuesday, 25 July 2000:
Updates: 5 new custom levels, Hoyla Mission, Level Pack records, Elmakuskit and one 'lgr level'! >>. And remember Petri's IRL gallery >>.

- Abula @ 17:30 EET

Monday, 24 July 2000:
Teams standings after three events are now updated. Thank you Tisk :) >>.

- PeXi @ 14:10 EET

Jakoavain, hirvihaulikko og perusputki
Updates: 3 new custom levels >>, WR table #028, MC's WR history, mr's 24h total, internal contests, level pack records, special contests, replays and elmakuskit.

- Abula @ 04:16 EET

Sunday, 23 July 2000:
Now also the new level is up, höyla it like hell :D >>.

-PeXi @ 18:00 EET

Hyljys ja lepakko
The results etc of the 3rd event are now up, enjoy >>. The standings will also be up soon.

- PeXi @ 16:25 EET

Saturday, 22 July 2000:
en bil, -en, -ar/na
Three kuskis... more updates after 0:00 :).

- Abula @ 23:57 EET

Friday, 21 July 2000:
A 3D Across kuski picture has been uploaded! >> Also some recs, kuskis and two lgrs: Frame.lgr by Kalle The Kalu and improved Style.lgr. Some additions in Best total in 24h.

- Abula @ 17:52 EET

Thursday, 20 July 2000:
116 kilometre's hoyling
Updates: Oulu records, Level pack records, lgrs (LaVi 500 TZ there), elmakuskit (huh huh), MC's Across & Elma records.

- Abula @ 19:02 EET

Makkaraa myydä;ä;n metreittä;in
The timelimit for the 3rd wcup event is 1:19,91

- PeXi @ 16:10 EET

Wednesday, 19 July 2000:
Ostaisin kilon makkaraa
Some new FIN stuff such as updated members info and some (not all) updated times >>. Also, the levels of WCup1 and WCup2k can now be downloaded in single zips.

- PeXi @ 01:05 EET

Updates: Oulu records, Level pack records, Best total in 24h (Perustaja, PekkaT and P123 there), Internal contests and MC's members info.

- Abula @ 01:02 EET

Tuesday, 18 July 2000:
Ensin suoraan, sitten mutkia
New Elma total times list (#39) >> and some new links.

- PeXi @ 23:50 EET

IRL picture gallery!
Yeap, Petri made a gallery for real photos of Elmakuskis. Check them out and add yourself there too! >> Updates: Level pack records, new lgr!, contests (elbono and ribot on fire, also some additions in the 'Best total in 24h'), WR list #027, MC's WR history and 'other stuff' section.

- Abula @ 02:01 EET

Monday, 17 July 2000:
One new kuski has been added.

- Abula @ 23:59 EET

Sunday, 16 July 2000:
More weekup
The new level has been up for a while and now also standings for both single players and teams are up. Enjoy :) .

Wippii, I got half points from the second cup event!!! :D The winner was again Luni from FM, go check how you managed on the event >>.

- PeXi @ 18:30 EET

Saturday, 15 July 2000:
psymorph drove 24 hours' session too: 44,59 =). Also updated some internal contests' records by Elbono and a few level pack records by Are and SveinR.

- Abula @ 22:20 EET

Friday, 14 July 2000:
Updates: Elma totals, Finnish records, Links (Go check SAM's new site, it r0XX0r) and programs (three new VERY useful programs there :D) >>.

- PeXi @ 23:13 EET

Thursday, 13 July 2000:
Big update!
At first, Abula's email address has changed: from to! So remember:! here you can test it =). Level pack 37 has been uploaded, also some new level pack records by Seppo. Replay pack has been modified. A lot of contests records by psymorph, Ribot, Dux and Bjorn. Also the "best total in 24h" has been updated! Elbono, Petri, Ari and Tommesatan are new ones there! Now the rules of the competition are available also in swedish (thanks to Elbono). . Also updated: MC Records, Oulu Records, Picture gallery 3, MC's WR history and the contest download page. Once again, some levels to lgr section please =). Tumex's multi WR list has been non-updated for about 45 days!!! Shouldn't there happen something? Balazs (=Csaba), take the list to your site please... so that there wouldn't be any unofficial lists.

- Abula @ 18:45 EET

Wednesday, 12 July 2000:
The timelimit for the second cup event is 32,09.

- PeXi @ 20:43 EET

Tuesday, 11 July 2000:
Pikkuhukka ja Isokarhu!
Timetable for the "Best total in 24 hours" competition has been added. Petri and Tommesatan are now hoyling and Ari will start his session on 12nd July @ 12:00 EET. More here>>. A few internal and hoyla mission records by Ribot and Aleksi. Also there is one new mopobiisi (=mopo song) available in the "Other stuff"-section . Go download it!

- Abula @ 07:58 EET

Monday, 10 July 2000:
WR table #025
Breinari is höyling 24h's session... Then some updates: WR table #025 , MC's WR History, King List (Stikky improved four hoyla mission records [again] =) ), replays!, ElMakuskit and a log file from Onlis, Tisk and Karlis' höyling session (only in Finnish) . There will be some info about MC Studios in the MopoSite in a couple of days. And Elbonoooo, where are you?-) Abula needs your help... And guys, make some levels for Custom levels and lgr levels . Also remember redirect address if doesn't work.

- Abula @ 05:20 EET

Sunday, 9 July 2000:
First 24 hours' höyling session is behind. And the winner is HePoLePo (=Onlainari). Tisk and Karlis both succeeded very well, but mengerle's keyboard was broken and so he was unable play :(. Anyway, check out their results

(rules have been translated into Finnish now, a Swedish version will be also be available soon). Tommesatan will begin his höyling session on 10th July at 15:00 GMT. Also Petri, mr, Ari Breinari and psy are going to hoyla 24h. Some contests records taken by Stikky too.

- Abula @ 20:01 EET

Saturday, 8 July 2000:
Basic update:
19 new kuskis, MC's records, Oulu records, ElMa dictionary and a lot of new contests records by psymorph, Ribot, Petri and aLz0.

Tisk, Karlis, Mengerle and Onlainari are on fire now (=their 24h hoyling session now is going on). The nicks they are playing with are Karlis = cArLiC, Tisk = SiTkeE, Onlainari = HePoLePo, Mengerle = OluTMatO. Who will be the winner? We'll see it tomorrow at 12:00 EET =). Tisk is leading now, Karlis is 2nd, Onlis is in baseball practisies and mengerle's keybord is broken. Hmm, over 4 hours gone now...they are crazy...

- Abula @ 16:25 EET

Friday, 7 July 2000:
Wellwellwell, today (or tonight actually) we have here a new total times list with one brand new entry and few climb-ups . Yet, I did remove the "former position" from ppl under the position of 20 on the list since it was so frustrating to update 80-90 ppl like that... so let's see how this new system works out.
Some new links were also added and again few bugfixes, it seems like this site never runs out of bugs... :)

- PeXi @ 0:32 EET

Thursday, 6 July 2000:
Step's rec: 13,80
A few replays >>. psymorph took some records: 9 levpack records and a few world cup 1 & 2000 Elma records. Stikky drove one höylä; record too. Now he has 25 records out of 42 possible ones. Isn't there anyone else who could beat Stikky? If not, that makes him the biggest höylä;?!?! Where are Zynti, Bjorn, Jeppe, Hotwax and the rest??

- Abula @ 23:59 EET

Wednesday, 5 July 2000:
New section
Now you can break Wcup1 and 2000 winners' times with ElMa too Terba and Hyp0 took 6 records on the King List: Hyp0 got 3 from internal contests and Terba got also three from the Custom levels. Tomorrow I'll update kuskis, about 15 recs etc. Also Karlis', Tisk's and Onlis' 24h höyling session will start (maybe) 8th July @ 12:00 EET and last until 9th July @ 12:00 EET.
Yet, if you want Tumex to update his site, visit here!

- Abula @ 23:15 EET

Tuesday, 4 July 2000:
New lgr!
Style.lgr has been published >> Some new words in ElMa dictionary by Onlis. Stikky took 4 new Höylä Mission records, he is going to beat psymorph on the King List =). Some new multirecs are also up and Oulu Records have been updated. I heard that Karlis, Tisk and Onlis are going to take a 24h session on the Best Total in 24h =)) That sounds veeery nice. Will they really do it?!? Do YOU want to try it also? Read rules and instructions >>

- Abula @ 21:45 EET

Monday, 3 July 2000:
At first, remember READ new World Cup rules, now you have to send level file with rec file and also read news from yesterday. Your cup3 level02 might be a wrong version one so check out those screenshots in the earlier news. When the 24th WR Table arrived, FIN lost 2 WRs :PP and now we (MC & FIN) both have 2 WRs (heh). PeXi should also do FIN's WR history section (like MC has) so that we could compare our WRs. Psy has given a lot of new ideas on how to improve The MopoSite too and he also found some bugs. So thanks to him. Some updates today: Jokke took a place in ElMa dictionary with Karlis >> Also some new contest records set by Kumiorava and BoFaIQ. >>

- Abula @ 18:07 EET

Sunday, 2 July 2000:
WCup3 01 Results
are up now, totally 74 players made it under the timelimit. Yet, the first place was a draw by Dr_Luni and Karlis

- PeXi @ 20:54 EET

If you downloaded cup02 lev before 02.07. 17:00 EET, do it AGAIN . In the first version you were able to drive it in 17 secs so it would have been a too short and höylä lev for a two-week event. Now it is about 30 secs long. The both versions look like the same level but there is one new killer in the newer version so that it's impossible to use the shortcut. Here are two screenshots to help you know if you have the right version. OLD VERSION

- Abula @ 17:22 EET

WCup3 02
The second wcup level is up, but note that the current even is a two-week one, so you must send the replays by 16 July . Yet, from now on you must also include the level file wcup3xx.lev to the mail with your replay, and the level must have the time that is your record, with your nick

- PeXi @ 15:40 EET

Saturday, 1 July 2000:
Updates: Replays (mr sent a few recs, also one multireplay), Zero drove 2 new records (one höylä and one to MC Levels), Lee sent a picture to ElMakuski around the World section >>, about 10 new kuskis (huh huh, hard job to add them), also new WR table has appeared and check out MC WR-history's new facts

- Abula @ 19:25 EET

<< Aug 2000 - Jun 2000 >>

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