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<< Feb 1999 - Dec 1998 >>

Sunday, 31 January 1999
Across 2nd best - at 00:01 EET by PeXi
00.01, 31.01.1999
My WR on Bounce Back became official at last after improving it about 5 times to get better time than JohnDoe
I also improved my times in Ramp Frenzy (1:06,41) and Freefall (36,94)

Mikrobitti, the biggest computer magazine had a voting for best shareware games of the whole year 1999. Action SuperCross became 2nd!!!
Mikrobitti 2/99:
2. Action SuperCross
Vuoden 1997 loppupuolella ensi kertaa esitelty motocross-taitopeli ylsi saman
tien kuukauden peliksi, mutta pankki räjäytettiin vasta viime kesänä uudemman
v1.2:n ilmestyessä. Kiikkerällä moottoripyörällä tarkkuutta ja taitoa vaativien
ratojen selvittäminen rynnisti suuren kansan suosioon, kun pelaajat pystyivät
viimein väsäämään omia ratojaan ja pelauttamaan niitä toisillaan. Suomalaisista
tuli suorastaan SuperCross-pöpi kansa, ja maailman kaikista pelaajista lähemmäs
puolet onkin meikäkäisiä.

Saturday, 23 January 1999
WR? - at 19:45 EET by PeXi
Hey, I managed to drive one WR, which is nice. The time is ... and the level is ...

Wednesday, 20 January 1999
Nikke's total time - at 23:01 EET by PeXi
Now it happened!!! Nikke sent in his state!!! Go to Top-20 list and find out his current position.

Monday, 18 January 1999
Well.. - at 19:59 EET by PeXi
Mikko_T, who is from now on known as Fulgore, decided to leave Team Finlandia and he also said he will (almost) quit playing Across. After that he improved his total about 7 secs :)

Sunday, 17 January 1999
Blah - at 17:23 EET by PeXi
I managed to drive Bounce Back 59,74.

I also removed Mikko_T from the Contests page

Friday, 15 January 1999
Cheat? - at 22:01 EET by PeXi
Today I recieved a state with a time 14,54 in Warmup. Now tell me can I count it to total?? No I can't. But how can I know if you have used the bug in some other tracks?? Do I have to ask you to send your every .rec file???
I finally got over the wall in The Steppes, with a lousy time of 28,89. I also made a new record in Uphill Battle, 24,54, but Mikko_T did it even better: the new WR is now 24,15.

Sunday, 10 January 1999
Vote - at 16:01 EET by PeXi
I added a Best levels voting page, where you can soon, not yet, send you two best levels to be included to the Package of Best External Levels
Zig Zag 1:45,34, Framework 44,29 and Enigma II 49,68

Tuesday, 5 January 1999
Misc - at 23:50 EET by PeXi
I visited T0rPeD0 and played a bit Across there, I gave one try to Hill Legend and got 21,03 :-P
Yet, the amount of contests at the contests page is rising again...

Saturday, 2 January 1999
Stuff - at 22:48 EET by PeXi
First time for a week I improved my records :-P Warmup 15,25, Tricks Abound 1:03,36 and Apple Harvest 2:11,49
DMC made a new WR, I won't tell it yet, but you'll see it on Csaba's list soon...
Check out the totally renewed T0rPeD0's Across Page

Friday, 1 January 1999
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! - at 05:12 EET by PeXi

<< Feb 1999 - Dec 1998 >>

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Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.