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4:39 EET (GMT+2)
- First time here?
- World Records
- Total times
- Levels
- Replays
- World Cup 5
- Mopolauta
- Kuski gallery
- Mopobattles

General info
Read rules on Zebra's page.

More about abbreviations
Pos = Position: this is simple
Nat = Nationality: what country are you from
Ba = Battles: how many battles you have taken part in
Bw = Battles won: how many battles you have won
Kb = Kuskis beaten: the number of beaten kuskis by you
To = Total points: Kb + Ba + (5 * Bw) = To
Av = Average points: To / Ba = Av

Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.