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World Cups

Basic idea and history
So far, there has been two Across and one Elma World Cups which all collected hundreds of players. The basic idea of the cups is that we publish here a level once in a week or two, and you try to get as good time as your skills just allow you to get and then send the replay of your drive to us by a certain deadline, according to the rules. The results of the event are done some hours later and the better time you had, the better is of course your placement and also the more points you will get.

The first cup consisted of 15 events and three best counted by the total points recieved money prizes and the ten best got nice diplomas.

The second cup, World Cup 2000 had also 15 events and money and diplomas were given the same way as in the first cup. The 10 best and 5 other were also given the registered version of Elasto Mania.

World Cup 3 then. The 3rd World Cup had 20 one-or-two-week events. Points were given to 40 best of each event. The classical prizes, diplomas were there. Also some caps :P. Levels to play? Some made by us, but the most by you, you fellowkuskis.

World Cup 4 began on Sat 31st August 2002, consisting of 20 events.

The fifth World Cup is currently going on. It'll consist of 15 events. You can find more info about it on its separate page >>
Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.