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Internal levels

Last updated: 7 Jan 2006, table #47

# Level name Mission Kuski Nat. Result Updated
1. Warm Up Take the apple, touch left wall then touch right wall and left wall and so on. Finish the level when you have touched five times right wall and four times left wall. Pityesz HUN1:15,87 20 Nov 2002
2. Hi-Flyer Die to the killer. Crazy SWE14,62 7 Jan 2006
3. Tag Drive the center part around five times. You have to past the flower four times and in next round finish the level. Only clockwise allowed.Example. barbapappa [CF] SWE56,91 17 Oct 2004
4. The Steppes Touch the secret area sign and finish the level. barbapappa [CF] SWE38,33 17 Oct 2004
5. Serpents Tale Take "the first" apple and die to the floor. Example. Crazy SWE9,63 7 Jan 2006
6. Upside Down Touch the flower and die. mr [FM] FIN9,53 17 Oct 2004
7. Framework Touch the flower and die. No apples needed. axxu [AC] FIN38,87 7 Jan 2006
8. Enduro Drive this way and die here. Marci [mEkK] HUN12,70 17 Oct 2004
9. Enigma Take the apple and die here. zaraptor GBR12,93 7 Jan 2006
10. What the Heck Die to the floor by this way. Uube [ReC] FIN15,60 20 Nov 2002
11. Tricks Abound Die here. Crazy SWE7,74 7 Jan 2006
12. Hangman Finish the level by this way. barbapappa [CF] SWE22,91 17 Oct 2004
13. New Wave Die here. Scorpion [T98] FIN19,99 -
14. Long Haul Drive the level by the regular way and do at least twenty volts. rQ-€% [¿] MIR1:11,57 20 Nov 2002
15. The Steppes Finish the level without rotating buttons (arrows <- and ->). Jokke [FM] FIN48,47 27 Jan 2002
16. Serpents Tale Go to the flower and hit your head to the wall behind it. No apples needed. axxu [AC] FIN19,13 7 Jan 2006
17. Hill Legend Drive the level through by the old way. Pityesz HUN23,24 21 Apr 2003
18. Flat Track Drive the level normally to the almost end but do not touch the flower, drive under it, turn from the wall, drive back to the beginning, turn from the wall and drive to the flower. barbapappa [CF] SWE50,89 21 Apr 2003
19. Labyrinth Take two apples, touch the flower and die. barbapappa [CF] SWE36,97 30 Dec 2002
20. Over and Under Finish the level with eight volts. rQ-€% [¿] MIR33,89 26 Mar 2002
21. Turnaround Hit your head here. zaraptor GBR44,16 7 Jan 2006
22. Islands in the Sky At first touch the flower then take the apple and finish the level. Crazy SWE1:00,91 7 Jan 2006
23. Warm up Finish the level with three volts. StIkKyBeAr [TNT] USA14,58 -
24. Quick Round Take two apples, touch the flower and die. Miguel [ReC] FIN24,70 20 Nov 2002
25. Bounce Back Drive this way, touch the flower and die. Crazy SWE17,37 7 Jan 2006
26. The Steppes Finish the level by old way. krychek HUN29,89 17 Oct 2004
27. Zig Zag Touch the flower and die. axxu [AC] FIN30,90 7 Jan 2006
28. Bumpy Journey Touch this and finish the level. barbapappa [CF] SWE1:11,74 20 Nov 2002
29. Jaws Take one apple, touch the flower and die. axxu [AC] FIN23,41 7 Jan 2006
30. Animal Farm Hit your head to left wall here. Stranger FIN26,01 -
31. He He Don't turn in the beginning of He He, go on left and after you've gone round that upper round, finish the level by the normal way. Tisk [FM] FIN2:30,43 7 Jan 2006
32. Apple Harvest Touch the flower and hit your head to the ground. No apples needed. axxu [AC] FIN11,70 7 Jan 2006
33. Labyrinth Pro Go to the flower and hit your head to the wall behind it. Not allowed to get any apples. barbapappa [CF] SWE1:02,54 17 Oct 2004
34. Apple Harvest Collect five apples and die as fast as possible. axxu [AC] FIN9,06 7 Jan 2006
35. Apple Harvest Collect ten apples and die as fast as possible. Marci [mEkK] HUN20,53 17 Oct 2004
36. Apple Harvest Collect fifteen apples and die as fast as possible. Marci [mEkK] HUN39,76 7 Jan 2006
37. Expert System Touch the flower and die. Miguel [ReC] FIN21,93 27 Jan 2002
38. Curvaceous Drive to the flower and die. axxu [AC] FIN10,87 7 Jan 2006
39. Shelf Life Take 3 apples and die. Uube [ReC] FIN13,20 -
40. Downhill Touch the flower and die. No apples needed. Marci [mEkK] HUN23,90 17 Oct 2004
41. Downhill Finnish the level without gas. barbapappa [CF] SWE1:25,17 20 Nov 2002
42. Apple Harvest Touch the flower and die. You have to push brake all the time. Marci [mEkK] HUN15,23 7 Jan 2006
43. Steep Corner Drive this way and die to the cross. Ante [SEKT] SWE22,71 17 Oct 2004
44. Headbanger Die here. zaraptor GBR23,20 7 Jan 2006
45. Twin Peaks Die to the killer. Crazy SWE5,23 7 Jan 2006
46. Over and Under Take the first apple and die. EasyGijs [MK] NED10,11 17 Oct 2004
47. Uphill Battle The way you drive is this. Uube [ReC] FIN19,40 21 Apr 2003
48. Long Haul Collect two apples, touch the flower and die to the ground. zo3 SWE14,86 -
49. Long Haul Drive this way and take the "last" apple, touch the flower and die. ZenitH [dx] HUN39,87 30 Dec 2002
50. Tunnel Terror Collect three apples, touch the flower and die. Marci [mEkK] HUN33,60 17 Oct 2004
51. The Steppes Jump the pile over three times like here. barbapappa [CF] SWE1:45,51 -
52. Bounce Back Drive this way, touch the flower and die. barbapappa [CF] SWE25,87 17 Oct 2004
53. Gravity Ride Touch the flower and die. Uube [ReC] FIN12,00 21 Apr 2003
54. Islands in the Sky Drive this way and finish the level. Crazy SWE28,68 7 Jan 2006
55. Hill Legend Drive this way and die to the ground. axxu [AC] FIN12,74 7 Jan 2006
56. Hill Legend Drive this way and finish the level. barbapappa [CF] SWE35,24 20 Nov 2002
57. Loop-de-Loop Touch the right wall and finish the level. Uube [ReC] FIN23,20 27 Jan 2002
58. Serpents Tale Die to the right wall. Uube [ReC] FIN8,23 21 Apr 2003
59. Serpents Tale The way you drive is this, then touch the flower and die. Uube [ReC] FIN27,16 27 Jan 2002
60. New Wave Take one apple, touch the flower and die. axxu [AC] FIN20,43 7 Jan 2006
61. New Wave Drive this way and die to the cross. barbapappa [CF] SWE42,94 21 Apr 2003
62. Labyrinth Touch the flower and die. Marci [mEkK] HUN31,46 17 Oct 2004
63. Spiral Die to the top part of the letter "L". Champi0N [PRA] SWE11,18 -
64. Turnaround Touch the left wall, turn around :), drive back and die to the right wall. barbapappa [CF] SWE46,34 21 Apr 2003
65. Upside Down Collect one apple and die. axxu [AC] FIN3,31 7 Jan 2006
66. Hangman Drive this way, don't take any apples, touch the flower and die. Miguel [ReC] FIN33,06 21 Apr 2003
67. Slalom Die here. barbapappa [CF] SWE10,37 30 Dec 2002
68. Slalom Die here. TarGEnoR [dx] HUN6,48 -
69. Quick Round Die to the killer. Marci [mEkK] HUN11,47 17 Oct 2004
70. Circuitous Drive this way, touch the flower and die. Miguel [ReC] FIN17,80 27 Jan 2002
71. Bounce Back Die to the right wall. Uube [ReC] FIN10,96 27 Jan 2002
72. Jaws Collect one apple, come back to the beginning and die to the right wall. Uube [ReC] FIN11,43 21 Apr 2003
73. Jaws Take the "last" apple and die. axxu [AC] FIN26,83 7 Jan 2006
74. Curvaceous Die to the floor. barbapappa [CF] SWE10,84 17 Oct 2004
75. Haircut Die to the killer. Marci [mEkK] HUN3,07 21 Apr 2003
76. Double Trouble Take one apple and die. Note that you are not allow to use gas! Kristina SWE20,20 20 Nov 2002
77. Bowling Touch the flower and die. barbapappa [CF] SWE16,31 17 Oct 2004
78. He He Touch the flower and die. axxu [AC] FIN20,51 7 Jan 2006
79. What The Heck Collect two apples, touch the flower and die. Crazy SWE9,90 7 Jan 2006
80. Expert System Die to the killer. Crazy SWE10,20 17 Oct 2004
81. Apple Harvest Collect as many apples as you can without touching the ground. TorInge [ICE] NOR28 (all) 21 Apr 2002
82. Over and Under Finish this way. Marci [mEkK] HUN1:05,41 17 Oct 2004
83. Tunnel Terror Finish the level with two direction changes. axxu [AC] FIN1:16,47 7 Jan 2006
84. Bounce Back Die here. barbapappa [CF] SWE23,87 30 Dec 2002
85. Bumpy Journey Drive here and die. axxu [AC] FIN34,27 7 Jan 2006
86. Enduro Drive these ways and finish the level. Marci [mEkK] HUN1:15,87 17 Oct 2004
Different views to familiar Internal levels.
You don't have to download any levels for this contest. Internal levels mean the official levels inside the game (Warm Up, Flat Track and so on).
If you have a better time on some level, send the replay file to abu at moposite d0t com telling also the time of the level, nick, nationality and possible team.