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Official Level Pack total times

Last updated: 24 May 2003, table #8

Pos. Kuski Nat. Time Updated
1. TarGEnoR [dx] HUN 26:38:37 24 May 2003
2. ZeiZei [EM] FIN 27:01,07 -
3. Raider [EK] HUN 27:08,69 24 May 2003
4. Miguel [ReC] FIN 27:56,79 -
5. Pityesz HUN 28:11,24 18 Nov 2002
6. Janne SWE 28:27,19 -
7. Jokke [FM] FIN 28:33,71 18 Nov 2002
8. Abula [FM] FIN 28:53,78 -
9. mr [FM] FIN 28:53,89 -
10. Tapzu [POP] FIN 28:57,33 13 Feb 2002
11. Gunnar SWE 29:02,70 24 May 2003
12. dz [FM] FIN 29:11,46 -
13. barbapappa [CF] SWE 29:49,60 13 Feb 2002
14. TomCat [TEA] HUN 30:16,06 -
15. Karesz [LOS] HUN 30:27,24 24 May 2003
16. Ramza [FRC] POL 30:55,40 18 Nov 2002
17. Juish [AC] CAN 31:13,31 18 Nov 2002
18. TonyLee [FS] CZE 31:23,32 -
19. Marci [mEkK] HUN 31:35,17 24 May 2003
20. Floyd [WEB] YUG 31:38,15 24 May 2003
21. Red [TrA] SWE 32:06,73 24 May 2003
22. Fugas [ROCES] CZE 32:40,02 18 Nov 2002
23. Marky Mark [ROCES] CZE 33:15,44 18 Nov 2002
24. Spetzler DEN 36:36,12 18 Nov 2002
25. CuLiNo [SET ] SVK 37:03,13 24 May 2003
26. Lumpy Custard [HTML] AUS 38:57,09 18 Nov 2002
27. Code [SET] SVK 41:05,47 24 May 2003
28. eRRoR [BG] LTU 42:38,74 18 Nov 2002
29. Ass [aeg] SWE 59:25,53 18 Nov 2002
30. - xx:xx,xx -
See the OLP target times list >>
Levels >>

Replays >>
- 27 Minutes:
 ZeiZei, 10 December 2001

- 28 Minutes:
 ZeiZei, 19 April 2001

- 29 Minutes:
 ZeiZei, 5 April 2001

- 30 Minutes:
 NPhoBiaz, 25 March 2001

- 31 Minutes:
 Abula, 13 March 2001

- 32 Minutes:
 Abula, 9 March 2001
To count OLP total time download a program, place it to your level folder and run. It generates an olp.txt file where you see your total time. For submitting total times you have to send that olp.txt file and all (36) your olp levels zipped to telling also your nick, nationality and possible team.
Copyright by Lassi Heikkinen and Pekka Tahkola, 1998-2004. All rights reserved.