Monday the 14´th 2003 .. A train pulls into Frederecia trainstation. Frederecia isn´t a very big city, but it still has quite many traintracks. This is due to its geographical placement in Denmark. It is the centerpoint for all train-traffic going to and from Jutland. Not many people exit the train here.. but two people distinguish themselves.. The are carrying the biggest computertower known to man and a 15´ screen. They proceed all the way to the main hall in the trainstation. Here they meet no less than four other people. If you didn´t know something was up, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.. BUT.. This was no ordinary meeting. These were all representatives of the 2003 DANISH ELMAMEETING. These members of the Danish elma-elite were gathering in the Danish elma-capital; Frederecia. The six of them greet each other warmly. Two things are obvious : 1. They have met each other before 2. They are looking forward to the event, in which they are gonna participate The talk is going quite easily. Apparently they use a great deal of time discussing something called Elma. They all leave the mainhall, and proceed outside. Some of them enter a cap, and some of them leave on foot. IN the afternoon Rigger and I arrive at the gymnastic-hall in which we are gonna have this meeting. This is at the same school, as used in our last meeting, but we now have the entire gymnastic-hall instead of the few rooms that we used the last time. Almost all the Danish participants are already arrived. Only Sick Mambo and Viper_KillerGuy are yet to arrive. Many of the kuskit have already met before, so the talking begin very easy. Two long rows with computers are placed in the middle of the room, with a lot of computers placed on each side. At 15.00 the official welcome is scheduled to be held, but it is moved back for a little more than 30 minutes, due to our wait for the two guys, mentioned above. As we wait, the big-screen projector is put up. On numerous events throughout the entire meeting it was used.. For replays, messages ect. They arrive, put their computers online, and the first event is about to take place. It is a multiplayer-event where all the names of the participants are placed in a hat and drawn out randomly.. The teams and times were as follows : petsen og Sick mambo 25,17 Doffy og J-sim 27,05 Rigger og Toaster 24,06 Kopaka og Viper Killerguy 26,45 Spetzler og Gizz 26,63 GuyB og H202manden 25,48 Raider og Magic x Bear 24,29 petsen and Sick mambo used a brutalvolt to make 22.17 only 5 minutes after the event had ended Rigger and Toaster were congratulated, and people began playing a little dk-cup which had stated the very same day. The first official singleplayer event started at 18,15. The level was made, and won, by H202manden. All the official battles were 30 minute events The results were as follows spetzler 26,21 viper killerguy 26,27 sick mambo 25,25 j-sim 26,69 GuyB 27,27 toaster 29,75 Kopaka 26,84 petsen 27,28 raider 25,62 vandmand 23,22 rigger 25,80 magic x bear 26,54 gizz 27,50 As we later learned, H202manden is a seriously talented battle-player with many victories in the singleplayer events.. Both the unofficial and the official ones. After this event we had a dinner-break where the majority went to buy pizza and stock up on coca-cola, potato-chips and what else came to mind At 9´o clock the next big event started. The first 1 hour internal tt contest started, After the first 30 minutes the results were like this ½ time tt´s spetzler viper killerguy sick mambo j-sim GuyB toaster Kopaka petsen raider H202manden ##.## rigger magic x bear gizz H202manden didn´t participate, but ran around and took a few pictures of us all, while we höyled. We then had a 10 min brake and played the rest of the event. The full results were : 1 time tt's spetzler viper killerguy sick mambo´ j-sim GuyB toaster Kopaka petsen raider H202manden ##.## rigger magic x bear gizz To prevent any type of cheating a list with new nicks were made for us all. We then had to create a new elma-install and use that new name. The top 3 was 1. Raider tt = 2. Jsim tt = 3. Gizz tt = Unfortunately a few people didn´t follow the directions, so a complete merged list isn´t possible to create This event was followed by a midnight-battle. The level was created by Toaster and was a very difficult pipe-level. Unfortunately the level was bugged, so you could finish without taking all apples. For this reason the battle was stopped. The map was changed to a short simple level, won by Raider, with Viper_KillerGuy as a close second.. the complete results singleplayer 2 spetzler 14,43 viper killerguy 13,86 sick mambo 13,93 j-sim 14,35 GuyB 14,19 toaster 15,21 Kopaka 14,78 petsen 14,82 raider 13,68 vandmand 14,28 rigger 14,03 magic x bear 14,87 gizz 14,13 The rest of the night was used for unofficial battles, cup-playing, internal single and internal multi playing Tuesday : the 15´th 2003 .. The last people woke up around 11 am, but the first event started and 13.30. only person who didn´t participate was magic x bear, who slept like a bear until late that afternoon 8) The results were : singleplayer 3 spetzle 19,93 viper killerguy 18,99 sick mambo 19,86 j-sim 19,52 GuyB 21,92 toaster 24,61 Kopaka 19,51 petsen 18,53 raider 19,8 vandmand 17,92 rigger 20,03 magic x bear ## gizz 19,44 Again H202manden was declared the winner. Afterwards a multiplayerbattle was played again. These were considered a huge success.. They were great fun indeed multiplayer 2 Sick Mambo og Kopaka 23,85 guyB og petsen 23,86 Gizz og Toaster 24,92 H202manden og Viper Killerguy 23,87 Rigger og Spetzler 23,29 Raider og J-sim 23,66 As you can see the times were close indeed. The level was created by Viper_KillerGuy and was extremely welladjusted for multiplaying The rest of the afternoon was used to play unofficial battles, single and multi-internals and two other games used to try something else. Pontifex and Pockettanks were played to the great amusement of many At 20.30 the next singleplayer battle started. The level was designed by Rigger and was cool indeed. The level was created so that both ways.. left or right were usable, and the times made were almost identical. This gave many options for playing The results : singleplayer 4 spetzler 25,67 viper killerguy 25,64 sick mambo 25,66 j-sim 25,32 GuyB 25,71 toaster 26,83 Kopaka 25,90 petsen 25,79 raider 24,22 vandmand 24,69 rigger 24,70 magic x bear 25,31 gizz 25,84 deisel 26,25 The level was won by Raider, with a very cool ride A merge of Rigger and H202mandens replays entertained us all. They proved to be 95 % identical, with keypresses on all the same places. The next of the official battles were played shortly after. The level was a difficult level created by Toaster, and was won by H202manden singleplayer 5 spetzler 53,62 viper killerguy 1,06,96 sick mambo 51,12 j-sim 54,60 GuyB 56,59 toaster 1,00,21 Kopaka 56,59 petsen 57,07 raider 52,81 vandmand 50,21 rigger 53,30 magic x bear 1,00,03 gizz 54,55 deisel 58,75 At 11pm we tried the 1 hour tt contest again . Again people were explained the rules, and this time everyone followed them. This means that we could create a merged stat, containing all times. This time we played the whole hour straight, with no brake after 30 mins Around 2 in the night we had the last official battle.. again H202manden showed us his skills and won. singleplayer 6 spetzler 19,17 viper killerguy 19,28 sick mambo 18,55 j-sim 17,95 GuyB 18,51 toaster ##.## Kopaka 19,03 petsen 18,36 raider 18,03 vandmand 17,91 rigger 18,01 magic x bear 18,90 gizz 18,29 The rest of the night was used for what people felt like .. Wednesday was only used for a little höyling and a lot of cleaning. We had to exit the place, and clean everything .. All in all we had a wonderful meeting, lots of battles, a good amount of höyl and lots of fun. I would like to thank Deisel, Gizz, H202manden and the rest of the kuskit who arranged the event. Petsen for supplying everyone with duty-free sodas 8) The level-designers and every single kuskit who participated. It was a pleasure.. and I am already looking forward to the next meeting Thank you GuyB [rdk]